ꜰᴏᴜʀᴛᴇᴇɴ - 𝑰 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒅 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑴𝒐𝒓𝒐𝒏!

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[Episode 32 - The Sacrifice]

A loud thud jolts me awake from my drooly sleep over open books. Quickly grabbing hold of the empty vervain syringe on the floor, I get up and tip-toe towards the kitchen.... Only to see an almost naked History teacher.

"Kat, ahem" Alaric clears his throat, darting behind the marble platform with sheepishly wide eyes.

"Oh, um, Ric..." I pull the dart behind my back and look anywhere except him. "Um, heard a crash-"

My words get cut off when my aunt tiptoes out of her room, with Alaric's shirt and shorts, and nothing else on "That was.... us. Sorry..." she cringes sheepishly.

"It's fine..." I shake my head, still avoiding either of their eyes. Jenna stands at the floor of the staircase as she stammers "We didn't think anyone else was up. But here you are...."

"We were just-" Alaric tries to stammer out an explanation, but just gives up. How can you explain to your student/step-daughter/protege-hunter why he was out?

"Um, Chunky Monkey?" he extends the bowl of ice-cream with a sheepish grin.

"Na, homework to catch up on" I chuckle as he hobbles out behind Jenna "Well, I'm uh, naked, so I'll, uh, go" he rushes up the stairs, making us laugh.

"I'm really really sorry" Jenna covers her face.

"Not as sorry you're going to be when you owe me some homework done" I smirk devilishly. I'm stuck doing not only supernatural work but also school work which keeps piling despite not having any school. It is the Founder's month after all.

Jenna starts going upstairs, but looks behind "I know he's been staying over a lot. Are you, are you sure it's okay?"

"Would you be needing the couch and ice-cream any soon?" I question with a raised brow and crossed fingers behind my back. Alaric deserves happiness after what Isobel put him through, and Jenna needs Alaric to feel like a normal giddy girl for once.

"Nope" she smiles giddily, things are happy between her and Ric.

"Then the Earth will stay on its axis. Sorry, geography paper soon" I roll my eyes.

We hear something close upstairs, making Jenna frown, "That must be Ric... I'll, um... go" she hops up the remaining wooden stairs.


I walk onto the ground with Caroline when we see Tyler shooting his hoops more aggressively than before. We look at each other before Caroline nudges her cheer co-captain forward.

"What?" I raise my hands in protest.

"Talk to him" Caroline nudges "-he'll just kick another bin around me"

"You don't know that's go-"

"Go!" she pushes me desperately and in a second, I get to know why. Matt Donovan passes by Caroline, lost in his own thoughts.

She stops him, groping for small talk. Deciding that punching around with a werewolf is better than hearing that disaster of a conversation, I run upto Tyler Lockwood.

I hit the ball into my hand with a single move, dribbling it away.

"Hey!" he runs behind me, trying to lock me out of dribbling across anymore. I shoot the hoop and the ball falls gently into Tyler's hands.

"You realise there's almost a full moon?" I lean against the net, giving him his bottle.

"What?" he scoffs "Guardians don't have enough problems? You wanna take on mine?"

✔ | Allure, S. Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now