ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ꜱᴇᴠᴇɴ - 𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒆 𝑶𝒏!

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[Episode 11 - Bloodlines - 1]

Meeting Stefan Salvatore was fate. Or so I thought it was.

Being his best friend was choice. Or so I thought it was.

I'm looking at my exact carbon copy, right in my hands. The mirror in front of me shows me... But is that all? 

Katherine 1864

Feelings churn in my gut and afraid of them, I run like hell. I run out of there and don't even feel the picture and the watch fall down in reckless endangerment. No. It can't be. Stefan loves Elena. But she looks like Katherine.

I look like Katherine.

Flashes of the past make me step on the accelerator. I need to get out of here. I can't breathe. I can hear my heart thudding a beat higher as everything becomes so much clearer.

He looks like he's seen a ghost.

"Your eyes..." he sighs, a bloody hand patting her cheek "Why are they green?"

"Now, tell me Katherine, how did you escape?"

Kat shakes her head yet again "Escape what Damon?"

He speeds in front of her with a sneer "Does Stefan know?"

She whimpers at his closeness "Damon, I'm Kat, Damon... It's me"

His eyes widen at her in the yellow light of the parlour "Katherine..."

"Give me one good reason to leave you breathing, Damon." I yank him to the outside of the restroom and surprisingly, he let's me.

He just tried to kill one of my best friends. But he was wronged. He was helpless and just lost the one hope of getting his love back. As soon as I reciprocate the hug, he sobs harder into my shoulder, trying to muffle the sounds. It's not usual for a man, let alone a man who has lived through a century, to show weakness. I feel something in me crack and I realise that it's my resolve.

Resolve to hate him.

A burst of anger and betrayal goes through my bones. The Salvatore brothers have been playing me for a fool. I'm merely a face they want to keep close.

For all I knew, Damon showed that side to me because I looked like Katherine. Stefan has been here because he wants to protect Elena and me, because we look like Katherine.

I suffocate with various emotions and turn out onto a highway. I don't know where I want to go. Gasping to get air into my lungs, I wipe out my tears. I see a silhouette standing in the middle of the road, standing a bit too close for me to not hit him as I swerve the car. I gasp as my car topples on the road, each thump hitting me harder. The airbags don't deploy and I feel blood seeping down my forehead and metallic tang coats my lips and tongue.

Through my wavering sight, I see the man I crashed into, kneel and I hear the distinctive sound of bones popping into place.


A laugh bubbles through the blood in my mouth. Perfect timing.

Using my super strength, I rip the seat belt in half and crawl out of my banged up car. I spit the blood out and stand on the road, bones healing, mind spinning and head booming with sharp pain.

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