ꜰɪᴠᴇ - 𝑷𝒍𝒂𝒚𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝑯𝒐𝒖𝒔𝒆

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[Episode 26 - Memory Lane - 1]

"It says here that the only way 'a Guardian's powers flourish is when faced with supernatural crisis'..." Stefan Salvatore asserts, looking up from the book that recorded all known information about Guardians since 1000s, by a witch coven in Greece.

"Why does it have to be doppelgangers? Why not fairies? Or Genie?" Kat groans against the couch, still recovering from the pain of broken bones healing. Apparently, being around a werewolf triggered her powers against them. But what Kat did not understand, is why her once-healed injuries came undone earlier.

Damon runs a hand over her hair, looking at her now normal eyes "Never go Frankenstein on me again"

She grunts "I'd like to stop it myself"

"Do you guys have some ice cream?" Kat slowly gets up and Stefan rushes to her, ready to help if she falls again. You can never be too careful in Mystic Falls.

"How about something better?" Stefan offers, making his audience furrow their brows. "Come..." he extends a hand to the Guardian and looks to his brother.

"I'm not her keeper Stef, go on, prance away. I have an errand to run anyway"

"What is it?" she asks, following Stefan into the kitchen and Damon pecks her cheek one last time for the night "I'll tell you tomorrow. Rest for now, and brother, I hate to say this," he states "but keep her off the alcohol, just for tonight though" he winks to hide his worry and speeds out, to talk to none other than Alaric Saltzman.

"So, what are we doing here? You do know that I don't drink blood right?" she mocks, actually eager to understand what the younger Salvatore meant earlier. To her surprise, he removes 2 tubs of choco-chip ice cream from the refrigerator, with a boyish smile.

Kat squeals at the delightful sight and snatches the first tub. Licking a mouthful of icy richness, she moans. Food can make a woman moan like no other man.

"Thank you" she murmurs through her full mouth and he chuckles, shaking his head as he takes his tub. 

"That's not the only thing for tonight Vivi" He leads her into the TV room, as his brother calls it, and gently pushed her to sit on the couch. He takes a hold of his phone in the free hand and paces around till the line picks up "Pizza Hut, how may we help you?"

He orders the girl's favourite pizza, making her smile widen even more. She claps her hands in glee, ice cream on the edge of her lips "You're being helpful today!"

"Human moments, are they not?" he smiles, but it diminishes when he sees Kat's enthusiasm go down a notch "Then..." she wrings her fingers in her lap "I'll call Elena?" she murmurs, sitting up. 

Stefan smiles slightly "If you have a date with Chuck Bass, I'm sure Blair Waldorf needs a date too" he holds up the CDs that he bought after Elena explained who Chuck Bass was.

"No way, a movie sleepover? You, Stefan Salvatore?!" she gasps in mock-disbelief. He settles down on the other end of the same couch and flicks on the TV "Why? Can I not be anything but 'serious vampire Stefan'?" he mocks her and Caroline's earlier statements.

"No" she chuckles "It's just that, you've never done this with Elena, or so I've heard"

"O look the ice-cream is melting!" he gasps and she panics, jerking her head with a shout, only to see it perfectly fine. 

"Fine, don't answer" she grumbles and goes back to watch the series. That night, Violet ate pizza like she never thought she would, and cried as she always needed to and finally, slept more than she had in the past 5 five days.

Stefan switches off the TV and clears all the boxes on the floor. Kat snores lightly, gripping to the throw-pillow on the couch and the adorable scene causes the vampire to smile kindly. She just rewent her injuries for the whole day and had the full scary extent of her powers explained in a book downstairs. Yet, she stands like a rock, strong and resilient for control.

He picks her up in his arms, pillow and all, taking her to his brother's room. 

It stung, for some reason, whenever he saw the couple close and intimate. And now, after this morning, even more so. Perhaps he wanted the girl to understand and be understood by only him and no other. But she makes everyone around her better.

Downstairs, Stefan finds the other Salvatore sipping on his favourite drink, flipping the ancient pages of the book he brought from Duke.

"She needed that" he lowly states, startling Stefan. 

Stefan sits down with a small sigh "So... At the risk of sounding like a cautious jerk-"

"No risk, you do" his brother smirks.

There's the Damon he was looking for.

"Why are you together?"

The older vampire scoffs, rolling his eyes at his brother's insecurity "We're not getting married Stefan, give that girl a break!"

"You didn't answer my question" Stefan redirects focus.

"We aren't together. We're just... with each other" he says, still deflecting on the why.

"Okay, don't tell me" Stefan raises his hands in surrender "But treat every moment with her like a goddamn miracle okay?" he warns. 

Damon purses his lips in a non-smile as he gets up and goes up to his room "Don't worry brother, we're having this discussion because someone didn't do exactly the same. And oh, by the way, tell Elena to lay off our Guardian for a while. She'll think that Kat's playing house with the Salvatores..." he smirks and closes his door.

Stefan runs a hand through his hair, trying to decipher his brother's words. 'Playing house with the Salvatores'? His thoughts are interrupted by his phone ringing. Elena. His girlfriend.


"Hey, is Kat with you guys?"

"Uh, yes, she had some accident befor-"

"What? Is she okay? I'm coming over right no-"

"Elena..." he speaks over her panicked voice "Elena, she's okay, I'll tell you tomorrow"

"Okay? Can I talk to her? Her phone keeps deflecting calls"

"Actually, she's, uh, asleep right now"

"Oh..." there's a judgemental pause and Stefan puts in, hating himself for the situation "Damon took Kat into his room just when I was coming back from hunting"

"Oh.." this time, her sound is relieved "So how was Caroline? Can she go out in the sun now?"

"Oh yes, we had some issues with Bonnie, but..." everything is right because Kat didn't give up.

" everything is right because Kat didn't give up

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