ᴛʜɪʀᴛʏ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ - 𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒑𝒐𝒏𝒆𝒅 𝑯𝒐𝒍𝒊𝒅𝒂𝒚

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[Episode 12 - Children of the Damned - 2]

Stefan pushes our supposed History teacher towards one of the desks "Have a seat..." He hesitates but I motion him in urgency. Stefan examines the blow-gun like weapon and casts a confused yet bewildered look "What is this, compressed air? Did you make it yourself? Who are you?" he moves towards the desk and the man tries not to visibly flinch in uncertainty 

"We're not going to hurt you..."

As a sign of good faith, I take the gun from Stefan and put it on the table in front of him "So...who are you?"

"I'm a teacher..." 

I sigh. "Please Mr. Saltzman, first it was vervain and then it's these?" I wave to the gun with a sigh.

"I'm also a historian. And while researching Virginia, I--made a few discoveries about your town"

"So you show up like Van Helsing?" Stefan scoffs "Come on. Tell us the truth"

"My wife was a parapsychologist. She spent her life researching paranormal activity in this area. It was her work that led me here..."

"Where's your wife?" I cross my arms with furrowed brows

"Dead. A vampire killed her..."

"Where's the Gilbert journal?" Stefan questions, probably not wanting to talk about deaths.

"What do you want with it?" Alaric retorts right back.

"Where is it?" I emphasise. I need some answers, and soon. My phone pings and I take it out.

"It's on my desk..."

"No, it's not" Stefan points out. I sigh and curse my luck. Damon's at the house, working up my family. And we haven't found the journal yet. Today's being very very loopy.

"It was on my desk"

I look sternly at my history teacher "Look, Mr. Saltzman, none of us want to hurt you. And please help us with the diary, we're just trying to prevent any danger that may come over the people of this town, and probably anywhere else. And by the way, I'm not a vampire" I answer his unasked question and turn to Stefan.

"I have to go home, Elena." I explain in as less words as I can. Stefan nods "Be careful"


Damon deliberately bumps into my sister as she takes out some plates from the kitchen.

"Whoa.." he mutters as if he didn't do that on purpose.

Elena smiles an exasperated grimace and shakes her head as she continues on past Damon to place the plates at the table.

"Don't do that." I scold and Damon turns to me with faux wide eyes "Do what?"

"You know what. That move was deliberate" I state, going to the stove where something is cooking. Didn't know anyone in this house could cook except me. I get the answer in a few seconds when the older Salvatore brother bumps me aside and stirs the pot.

"Well, yeah, I was deliberately trying to get to the sink!" he defends himself. 

I roll my eyes and bump him aside just as he did me, I taste the soup and add some more pepper and cream into it. I go to the fridge and take out some of the corn and white wine. 

"So, where is Stefan?" he smirks over my shoulder, his cheek almost touching mine "He's missing family night, which I am enjoying immensely" he looks towards my twin from the corner of his eye. Elena just scoffs and rolls her eyes, not acknowledging Damon as he wants her to.

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