ꜰᴏʀᴛʏ ꜱɪx - 𝑵𝒐𝒕 𝒂 𝑯𝒆𝒓𝒐

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[Episode 22 - Founder's Day - 2]

I wake up to screams and the smell of fire in the air. My face is to the dusty ground and I smell something bitter on me. I smear the liquid off my face and look around when everything comes back to me. The air gets denser with yellowish-brown smoke and I see Anna, staked in the heart and just opposite to her, coughs Damon.

"Damon..." I cough weakly as I crawl to the guy who'd become my friend in the most unthinkable way. 

"Kat? W-What" cough "are you doing here?" he tries to shout over the screams of some of the vampires already on fire. 

"The devic-" I start to cough and crouch over to the ground, coughing out whatever I can. Seems like I coughed up blood. I keep coughing and Damon's veins appear. O god, not now, of all times. I fall back and slide towards Anna's corpse as Damon gets a hold of himself.

"I'll get you out of here" he coughs out.

I scoff, "Yeah... And you'll get to kiss Elena tonight. Stop bluffing Damon, I-" I cough and cough up more blood 

"We're dying..." I feel my eyes close but Damon's in front of me, kneeling as he gently slaps me awake "Kat! Katherine! Stay alive for me okay?"

I cough and gasp as I try to crouch low to the ground "Cheesy Damon"

In front of my line of smoky vision, lies Mayor Lockwood, gasping awake, touching his bleeding ears. I frown as I crawl to him again, wait, he's not a vampire, but he seems to be affected by the sound. 

"Mayor? Is that you?" I shout over the sound of everything catching fire and things giving away.

"What are you doing here?" he looks to me and Damon. Damon, even in his possible last moments, scoffs "I'm a vampire and she's a Guardian. What's your excuse?"

I see a vampire come behind the cringing Mayor and shout "No!"

I am but a second too late as he twists the revived Mayor's neck. He bites him and looks to me, burning, soaked in gasoline, mouth full of blood. I slide back as fast as I can but the vampire stands and walks to me. 

Damon's on the other side of the corner as he comes in front of me "Not her". He snaps his neck and gasps as he looks to me.

I smile and step back unsteadily. But just then, a beam falls down, on fire. A part of it catches my leg and I fall down but it seems Damon too, is incapacitated after so much smoke and fire.

I hear a voice as I whimper at my burnt leg "Damon! Come on, hurry!" I hear and I try to get some sound out of myself "Stefan..." I murmur weakly. 

Another beam quickly falls to my left and I'm caged. I place my hands on my legs and it is then that I find the thing that can hopefully get me out. My phone.

I open it and gasp to get air into my mouth as I blindly press on buttons, not really seeing whom I'm calling.

"Kat? Where are you?" I hear Elena's voice.

"Stefa-" I cough and my phone drops to the ground, I look to the burning beams and nestle against the burning-hot pillar. I feel my back getting sizzled and drop to the floor with a tired sigh "Stefan..." Something falls again and soon, I close my eyes just as I see a flaming angel emerging just for me. My white knight.



Stefan's POV

I gasp for air and so does Damon as we jump out of the burning building. "O my God!" Elena rushes towards us, taking us in a hug. Damon has gasoline all over him and I have soot all over my face, but none of us care right now, I almost lost Damon and as much as I hate to admit, so did Elena.

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