(3) There Is Absolutely Nothing Special About Adira's Legs

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Oh no, no, no, no this cannot be happening. God I hate my brother! You'll never guess what he's gone and done! Cause he's such a comedian, he thought it'd be hilarious to swap my trousers with a skirt. I never wear a skirt with my uniform (and of course he knows that). I can't go and ask Val for one cause she's not my size. Oh God why are you doing this to me? First I have to share this private dorm with James Sirius fucking Potter and now I don't have any trousers, only a skirt (which is a bit too short for my liking). Urghhhh, I guess it'll have to do.



Time to start the plan, and what better way to do it than to amaze Adira with my rugged good lucks in the morning.

I head down the stairs about to flirt my arse off, when I see Adira. But not just Adira. Adira in a skirt, Adira in a rather short skirt.

Adira never wears a skirt (not that I've been keeping tabs on her on anything), but she never wears a skirt. And God why the hell hasn't she before. Her legs, God her legs. Now Adira's quite short, I'd say around 5'4, but what's that expression? Oh yeah, in that skirt she looks like she's got legs for days - so silky and smooth. Oh I bet they'd be so nice to touch, to have around my....

Shit! Why am I thinking about Adira's legs? I can't be thinking about Adira's legs, and worse, getting turned on by Adira's legs (good job I'm wearing my robe). I'm supposed to be seducing her, making her beg for me, but what am I doing? I'm busy fantasising about Adira's smooth, silky legs being wrapped around my..... NO, NO, NO, NOT AGAIN! NOT EVER! God James get a grip! They're just legs, nothing special about them, no, nothing at all.



I turn around from the bookcase to see James ogling at my legs. Hmmmm maybe this skirt can come in handy. Time to seduce.

I start looking him up and down, till I reach his eyes and see him already looking at me. I slowly walk up to him until we're only centimetres apart. 'Like what you see Potter?'

'Oh very much Rose, but clearly no way near as much as you like what you see', he says with a smirk.

'Why do you say that?', I reply

'Because I'm not the one who decided to come so close am I? I know I'm irresistible, but please Rose, personal space.'

His voice was slow and deep, it made me shiver. No, no, no! No it didn't Adira! It's probably just because you're wearing a skirt and it's cold. Yes that's it! Not because of James, never because of James!

'Oh Potter, that's ironic after I just saw you ogling at my legs just now'.

A faint splash of pink coated his cheeks, is he blushing? No he couldn't be, James Sirius Potter does not blush, unless.....
'Blushing now Potter', I tilt my head to the side, 'How sweet.'

He takes a step closer so that now we're only millimetres apart, his lips almost brushing mine, 'I don't blush Rose.'

I tilt my head so that now I'm whispering in his ear,
'Sure, whatever you say Potter.'

And with that I turn and leave the room to go to breakfast.

Rose - 2, Potter - 1.

The plan is officially in action.



What the fuck just happened?

Rose - 2, Potter -1.

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