(24) A Somehow Already Drunk Val

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Gryffindor won the match against Hufflepuff and so we're throwing a party, but because we're Gryffindor's we wanted it to be big and bold, so it was decided that it would take place in the room of requirements.

As soon as I open the door the music and the heat hits me: sweaty teens all packed together jumping up and down on the dance floor, drinks being passed around, the extremely drunk people dancing on the tables.

Val runs to the drinks table wanting to get wasted and Seb spots Fred in the crowd and they're already making out against the wall and let me tell you it is not PG.

I've never been the best at parties (even though I've already been to a few this year): I don't drink, I can't dance, I'd prefer to be sat on the sofa, curled up in my pj's reading a book, but we can't have it all I guess.

But that's when I spot him - my heart skips a beat, my hands get all sweaty and I feel the urge to just snog his face off. James Potter jumping up and down in the middle of the crowd, singing along to whatever song is playing, cheeks red and hair more messy than usual. God he's breathtaking. He's just so comfortable and completely himself, no wonder he's so popular.

He meets my eyes across the crowd and smiles, I feel my knees go weak (God get a grip Adira). He starts to walk over to me, but stops when a somehow already drunk Val (that's magic alcohol for you) shouts into her wand, that she is currently using as a microphone, 'LETS PLAY SPIN THE BOTTLE!' Urghhhhh not again Val, why do they love that game so bloody much?

James turns to look back at me, seeming as though he's not going to play (thank god I would not enjoy seeing him kiss another girl), when Val runs over and drags me to the circle.

'Val I don't want to play, I told you I don't want my first kiss to be like this.'

They rolls their eyes and sways slightly, clearly very drunk 'Oh pshhhhhh it won't even land on you don't worry I charmed it so it won't.' I do not trust Val's drunk charms skills - last time she told Seb she'd make his hair blue, she made him bald, it lasted 2 months before it finally wore off.

I reluctantly sit down when I see James approaching the circle, if I do have to kiss anyone, I hope it's him.



I wasn't originally going to play the game, I'd prefer to just sit at the side and talk to Adira, I don't want to kiss anyone else but her. But sadly her very drunk friend dragged her to the circle and if anyone is going to kiss Adira tonight it better be me.

So now I am currently sat in the circle while the bottle has been charmed to choose who has to spin first. And just my luck, it lands on me.

For fuck sake, I don't want to kiss anyone but Adira, but I don't want to kiss her this way either. Why did I come to this party? I know Adira doesn't want to be here either, she'd prefer to be curled up with a book, and right now I'd prefer to be sat on the sofa with her, my head in her lap while she reads to me, her hands slowly running through my hair and -

'POTTER SPIN THE BOTTLE', Valentina half shouts, half slurs.

Here we go. The bottle spins around slowly and for one moment it looks like it's going to land on Hannah Smith, no thank you, but then I must have got a stoke of luck because the person it lands on is Adira. Oh fuck yes.

But then I look into her eyes, and I see how nervous she is. This isn't how she wants her first kiss. If I've learnt anything from the vast amounts of romance novels I've been reading to try and woo her, I know that this is not how she'd want to have her first kiss and heck I don't want our first kiss in this sort of situation.

And so I stand up, and she does too, we meet in the middle of the circle and I whisper in her ear, 'Don't worry, our first kiss won't be like this.' And then kiss her cheek.

God even her cheek feels good against my lips and it takes all my strength to pull away, but this time I don't sit back in the circle, I just walk off to get a drink.



The party's dying down and the game ended a while ago. Oh the game, if that's how it feels when James kisses my cheek, I don't think I can handle him actually kissing me. And what did he mean when he said 'our first kiss won't be like this'? Does that mean he wants to kiss me or is it all just a mind game to get one up on me?

'What you thinking about?' James asks, sliding down the wall to sit next to me, our shoulders are touching and mine feels as though it's going to burst into flames.

'Oh nothing', I attempt a shrug, but ultimately fail due to how close we are.

He nudges me, 'Come on tell me, we're friends now aren't we?'

I nod, 'Yeah I suppose we are.'
Friends urghhhhhh friends. Can we just add one word in front of that? Like ummm I don't know, I'll be your girlfriend and you'll be my boyfriend, yes that sounds far better.

'We'll come on then tell me, I won't judge.'

I turn to look at him, 'What did you mean when you said 'Our first kiss won't be like this'?'

He gives me one of those soft smiles that makes that funny feeling I can't describe come back in my chest, 'It means whatever you want it to mean Rose.' And with that he stands up and leaves.


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