(14) Scared Potter?

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By my friends saying they wanted to make me look irresistible it means putting me in an outfit I do not feel comfortable in and then me
changing into my denim shorts, paired with some fishnets, a tight black crop top with the name of a muggle band on and my converse, with my hair styled in two scruffy space buns.

'Addy, are you sure you don't want to wear this dress?' Val questions, holding up the outfit I just had on.

'Yeah, I'm sure. If I'm going to try really seducing him I need to do it in something I'm comfortable in.'

'Alright', she sighs, 'Although that outfit isn't really 'I'm gonna try and seduce someone at a party' it's still really cute.'

'Yeah she's right Addy', Seb agrees nodding.

'Thanks guys, and Sebby I know that shirt from anywhere, that's your 'I'm trying to impress someone shirt'. So, are you going to try and make a move with Fred tonight?' I wiggle my eyebrows.

'I don't know, maybe.' Seb shrugs, avoiding eye contact and blushing.

'Urghhhh finally, it's so clear you two like each other', Val groans.

'She's not wrong there', I agree.

Seb covers his face with his hands, trying, and failing, to hide his blush.



Somehow Black got Leo to throw a party in the Gryffindor common room, not that I'm complaining, Gryffindors do throw one of the best party's - second best to Slytherin (there's no denying that those snakes know how to throw a rager).

When I turn up to the party I straight away bump into someone.

'Oh sorry, I - oh it's just you. Just so you know, I retract my apology Potter.'

'Wouldn't expect anything less from you Rose.'
She's not in a dress like she was at the last party but she's still in a tight crop top that stretches across her - James stop it! We are not doing this again ..... urghhhh great now I'm remembering how she looked naked. And oh fuck she's showing off those legs again. Oh for Gods sake Potter not you and these legs again, they're just your normal, average legs, there is nothing special about them and if you keep looking at her like this you're gonna look like a right creep.
'Fancy seeing you here Rose.'

'Well it is a Gryffindor party Potter.' She rolls her eyes .

'Right, right.' God what is happening, one look at her in those shorts and tight top and my seduction skills are out the window.

'Well it hasn't been a pleasure talking to you Potter. Good bye.'



After that excruciating conversation with James, I quickly find Val and Seb.

'All set up?' I ask.

Val nods her head, 'Yep, Seb will spin it first to not look suspicious and then you'll go.'

'Okay - wait Seb will spin in, what happened with Weasley?'

'I saw him flirting and dancing with Katy Meadows.'

'The Hufflepuff?' I ask, he nods.
'Urghhhh, I'm gonna kill him! Where is he? He's gonna regret ever hurting my friend. Val pass me your heels I've got some serious stabbing to do. It'll be far more painful than magic and therefore absolutely perfect.'

'Addy it's alright, I'm alright, it was only a little crush anyway.' He shrugs.

'No he still deserves pain, which I will happily give to him.'

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