(9) Truth Or Truth?

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It's 9 p.m. and me and James are currently doing our prefect rounds until 12. So this is what torture feels like, please God kill me now.

Neither one of us are talking, which is rare for us as we're almost always arguing. Right now I should be trying to carry out my plan, but I'm still hurt by what he said. I don't know why his words effect me so much - like it's only James Potter, you always knew he was a dick.

I look up from the ground and see James has stopped walking.

'Potter! Stop dawdling. We need to get the rounds done, and I'm not spending a second longer with you than I have too.'

'Rose I really am - '

'Potter I don't want to hear any fake ass apology from you ok? I'm tired, I want to get these rounds done. So please, don't make this worse for me than it has to be. That's the least you could do for being such a bitch.'

I turn away and start walking again, until I feel him grab my arm. It reminds me of the night at the party, he's even given me an electric shock again, dick. When I turn around his mouth is set in a hard line and I immediately know he's serious.

'Adira.' That it the first time he has ever said my first name,
'Adira, I truly am sorry, really sorry. I shouldn't have snapped at you and said those shitty things when I was clearly the one in the wrong.'

'Yes, yes you were.' I nod my head agreeing with him, and turn away about to walk off again, but he pulls me back.

'Please Adira, please forgive me, I never meant anything I said, and I've been beating myself up about it ever since. I am so, so, so sorry, I'm such a dick, but please, forgive me?'

'Okay', I whisper. Why, why did I do that. Urgghhhh it was just something about his dark brown eyes that made it impossible to say no. Stupid, stupid Adira. Maybe I need I'm coming down with a fever? I should go and see Madam Pomfrey.

He lets out a sigh of relief, 'Thank you Rose, thank you so much'.
I don't know why but I kind of miss him calling me Adira.  Oh God what is happening, that's it I definitely need to visit Madam Pomfrey.

We carry on walking in silence until I say 'Potter, I'm also sorry for inferring you're stupid, I know you're not, I was just mad.' I shrug.

He shakes his head, 'And rightfully so, you do not need to apologise for that.'

I nod, 'Okay.'

'As we're going to be doing these prefect rounds for a while why don't we play a game - truth or dare?' He asks.

'Well seeing as though we're supposed to be behaving why don't we play truth or truth?'

'Okay, you first, truth or truth?'

'Ooooo that's a hard one', I joke, pretending to think, 'But I'm going to have to go with truth.'

'Oooo good choice Ms Rose. Ok, let's start simple, do you have any siblings?'

'Yep, just the one. I have an older brother, he's 22, and a pain in my arse'.

He laughs, not a cocky laugh, but a genuine one and I get a funny feeling in my stomach - I'm probably just hungry.
'Ok Potter your turn, truth or truth?'

'I think this is the hardest decision I have ever had to make, but I'm going to have to go with truth.' He says sarcastically.

'What's your favourite colour?'

'Boring!' He makes the word sound like it has four syllables instead of two. You know James, always one for the dramatics.

'What and your question wasn't. Now answer it.'

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