(13) I Feel Like Seb's A Beast In The Sheets

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'Wait what he said that to you, while pinning you to the shelf.' Val practically screams in the hall during dinner that night.

'Can you turn it down a notch I don't want the whole hall hearing about my traumatising event.'

She shakes her head, 'Oh honey that was not traumatising.'

'Oh it most certainly was. And also he wasn't pinning me, he simply rested his arms on the shelf, on both sides of my head.'

'Honey he was practically pinning you, and I don't know how you didn't just jump his bones. I know I would have.'

'Same'. Seb agrees, whilst stuffing his face with his apple pie, 'Like that's some real self control Addy.'

'Seb I thought you were supposed to be the sweet, innocent one.' I reply.

'Just because I am sweet, does not mean that I'm innocent.' Seb smirks, 'That position is reserved for you.'

'Sebs right Addy. Also I feel like Sebs a beast in the sheets.'

'Why thank you Val.'

'You're welcome Sebby.'

'Guys! I have a problem here, it's now Rose - 3, Potter - 5. What am I going to do?'

'Oooo I know.' Val replies.

'Oh no', Seb says.

'Hey Seb that's way harsh, especially after I just said you'd be a good shag.'

'Sorry Val, but I only speak the truth. Like the fact that your makeup looks absolutely fab today. Is that a new mascara?'

'It is, thank you for noticing, and you are now officially forgiven. Anyway back to my idea. We should throw another party, then we should play a game of 7 minutes in heaven - you know the one where you spin the bottle and whoever it lands on you have to go and kiss in closet.'

'We're a bit old for that don't you think Val?' Seb asks.

'No ones too old for an excuse to snog, also you forgiveness is now official revoked. Anyway can you stop interrupting me, I'm trying to explain my ingenious plan here.' I roll my eyes while she continues,
'I can charm the bottle so that when you spin it, it'll land on Potter.'

'Ewwwww why would I want that to happen?' I grimace.

'For Gods sake if you would just let me finish you'd find out. I'd charm the bottle to land on Potter and then you take him to the closet, flirt your pants off with him, well not literally, but if you want it to be', she winks.

'Ewwwww God Val no, never!'

'Potters hot, even you can't deny that.' She states.

'She's right Addy', Seb agrees nodding.

I shake my head, 'Mr James 'I love myself' Potter is most certainly not hot!'

'Urghhh whatever', Val rolls her eyes, 'As I was saying you flirt with him and just as he's about to kiss you, you walk out the closet. Perfect plan to get your own back, whilst also making yourself even more irresistible.'

'Val you are a literal genius', I squeal.

'I know. And it's at a level of seduction that definitely counts as two points, thus making you even.' She smirks.

'Oh definitely', I agree.

'Addy?' Seb questions.

'Yes Sebby?'

'Just don't play with his feelings too much ok. I get you want to forever get one up on him, just don't break his heart.'

'Oh our precious, sweet Sebby, I could never break his heart because he doesn't have one.' I state mater-of-factly.

Seb nods his head but doesn't look convinced, so I take his hand and say softly, 'Seb I promise I won't break his heart. I only want him to lust after me, not fall in love with me.'

'Okay', Seb says, nodding his head. This time he looks more convinced. Then he smirks, 'Now all we need to do is make you look simply irresistible.'

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