(8) I'd Be Careful If I Were You Potter

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If you hadn't guessed it already I'm still annoyed with Potter, understandably so. What does not help my anger is sitting next to him in potions and what really does not help my anger is finding out I have to do my potions homework with him. I mean I know Professor Malfoy hates the Potters (and I really understand why) but does he have to punish me?

'So what are we going to do ours on?'

'Draught of the Living Death', I reply immediately, my voice monotone, not meeting his eyes.

'Okay sure, where do you want to do it? We could do it in our common room or - '

'I'll just do it myself, okay.' I say in a clipped tone.

'No, not okay, I want to help.'

'Oh so now you want to help?'

'Oh for gods sake Rose I'm sorry so what I said alright - '

'Oh shut up Potter, we both know you're not sorry, so just let me do the potions essay ok? We both know you won't do it well anyway.'

'For fucks say Rose I'm not incompetent! I get good grades, just let me help ok.'

'Urghhhh fine' I relent, 'We'll meet in the library, that way we have access to all the books we need.' I also didn't want to have to deal with Potter on my own, otherwise I might kill him, and also, books soothe me and I could do with all the soothing I can get if I'm going to have to do homework with Mr 'live a little' Potter.

'Thank you', he says letting out an exasperated sigh, 'What time?'

'5:00, and Potter, don't be late.' I send him a death glare that could burn his retinas. Oh if only, one can dream though.


I'm in the kitchen in my common room with Val, Seb is off doing some 'studying' with Fred, yeah right; seems like getting that drink with him on Friday really worked.

'Urghhhh God why is life so hard?' I groan.

'Oh stop moaning, it's only a potions assignment, it's not like you have to go on a date with him.' Val laughs.

'Oh God don't you ever utter those words ever again', I reply repulsed.

Val once again laughs, 'Oh by the way how's the seducing going?'

'Well is was going great, it was Rose - 3, Potter - 2, but now it's Rose - 3, Potter - 3'. I sigh.

'How did that happen?'

'The party.' She sends me a questioning look so I continue,
'He asked me to dance so I thought that'd be the perfect time to try and seduce him some more, so you know, I was swinging my hips when he said something like 'Shaking those hips all for me, now I can have even more fantasies'.'

'God that's hot.'

'I know.' I groan,
'Which of course automatically gives him a point.' I sate matter-of-factly.

She nods, 'Yep there's no denying that, but didn't he say a really dicky thing to you at the prefects meeting?'

'Yep, he told me I was too controlling and that's why no one wants to date me. And the preceded to call me and my mum bitches.'

'Woah, woah, woah, what! He can say anything he wants about anyone just not your mum! Annie is a literal Queen and feminist icon, how dare he that bitch! Urghhhhhhh I'm going to kill him!'

'I know! That's what I told him! And if you do kill him please let me join you.'

'Of course that would make me the bitch - killing him without you there would just feel wrong, like me if I wasn't hot, it's just wrong.'

I laugh, 'You're not wrong there.'

'So doesn't that like mean he has like minus a million points now, cause that's what he totally deserves.'

'While that may be true, sadly no it does not. Anyway enough about me, how was dancing with Finnigan?' I say wiggling my eyebrows.

Val rolls her eyes, 'Urghhhhh annoying, he literally has two left feet. Did you know he's got the job as the other Quidditch commentator?'

I shake my head, 'No I didn't'

Val sighs, 'Well he is. Also no matter how much of a dick Potter is, you can't deny he looked good at the party.'

I immediately blush remembering how he looked in that white shirt and those black jeans, curse my pale skin.

I cough and see Val smirking at me. 'No, I didn't think he was hot at all, just very average.'

'Sure' she say, clearly not believing me for a second.

'Yep, very average indeed.' I say nodding my head, 'Now sadly I have to go and do this torturous assignment with his Royal dickyness, and I do not want to be late, unlike him.'

Val laughs and waves me goodbye as I shut the door and head to the library.



I head to the library 5 minutes early and sit at the table I know Adira loves (don't worry I'm not a stalker, I only know because I like to annoy her, and she's almost always in the library). I was a dick to her at the prefects meeting so the least she deserves is me being on time.

When she turns up she doesn't even bother hiding the shock on her face.

'Potter what are you doing here?' She says, her mouth agape.

'Waiting for you of course.' I say oh so casually.

'Yes, but you're on time.'

'I actually arrived 5 minutes early.' I reply rather smugly.

She sits down without saying another word and opens her textbook.

'Right so how about I write all the notes about what the potion does, and you write the notes on how we can make it?'

I nod, 'Sure, sounds good to me.'


By 6:00 we've finished the work. God I think that's the longest we've been sat next to each other without arguing, and I tell her so.

'I guess you're right', she replies, a bit in shock herself, but I can see she's still hurt by what I said to her at the prefects meeting.

'Rose I really am - '

'Whatever Potter.' She says curtly, dismissing me and packing her bag.

'No it isn't whatever I was rude and - '

'Potter I said whatever, no leave me alone!' She stops packing her bag and turns to face me, 'Also I'd be careful if I were you, you never know when someone might use this potion on you.'

With that she stands up and walks out.

Shit I really need to find a way for her to forgive me, and a way to detect potions in my drink. Do you really think she'd do that? Who am I kidding, of course she would.

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