(27) We Are Gathered Here Today

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'We are gathered her today - '

Valentina rolls her eyes, taking the lollipop out of her mouth, 'For fucks sake this is not a wedding Finnigan'

'Oh shut it Black'.

Fred and Seb laugh in the corner, their chairs pushed together, with Seb's legs resting in Fred's lap.

'And you two stop laughing, this is serious business', Leo shouts.

'Sorry Leo', Fred replies, him and Seb still snickering quietly.

Leo rolls his eyes, 'Anyway we've got serious business to attend to, James and Rose clearly like each other, they just won't admit it.'

'Correction', Fred adds, 'James actually loves Rose'.


'Like last week, well he told me last week, he's clearly loved her for ages.'

Seb nods his head, 'Yeah and Addy had finally admitted to loving him too.'

'WHAT! God I'm left out of everything', Leo huffs.

'That's cause no one likes you', Valentina states matter-of-factly, then goes back to sucking on her lollipop.

'Oh fuck off Black.'

'You wanna say that to me again Finnigan, cause I don't think you could handle the consequences.'

'Oh really?'

'Yes fucking really, I gonna -'

'SHUT UP! God you guys are gonna give me a migrane', Fred says rubbing his head, 'We're obviously all here to think of a way to finally help Rose and James see that they both feel the exact same way about each other, as they're both clearly too thick to see it -'

'They're like Adrien and Marinett from that show Addy like.' Seb adds, Valentina nods her head.

'Anyway', Fred continues, 'We need to hurry up and devise this plan because Seb's legs are currently lying on my lap and they are making me think pretty sinful thoughts so let's hurry along please.' Fred smirks down at his Seb, making him go bright red.

'Ok you horny ass teen, what's your smart idea if you want to get out of here so quickly?' Valentina asks.

'Well, my idea was that we can both be walking down a hallway at the same time but in different directions, me and Leo with James, you and Seb with Rose. You and Seb can be talking to Rose about her feelings for little old Jamesie, and me and Leo will be doing the same, we'll both round the corner to walk down said hallway, they both notice each other and that's when I'll say very loudly 'Just tell Adira you love her already!' While Black you say the same thing just about James instead, and boom they both look at each other, we sneak off, and they confess their undying love for one another.'

Valentina mouth hangs open, 'Wow you actually thought of a plan.'

'Of course I did, don't underestimate me.'

'It's so dumb it might actually work', they reply still in shock.

'Great', Fred leaps out his chair taking his boyfriend's hand, 'If that problems solved let's do it tomorrow just before lunch at the corridor by the Charms classroom?'

Everyone nods.

'Great we'll see you around, I'm going to go and snog my boyfriend before Quidditch practice'.

With that a very red Seb and a smirking Fred leave the classroom.

'I could have thought of that plan', Leo says.

'Sure you could have Finnigan.' Valentina rolls their eyes.

He nods, 'I could have. You see Black, unlike you, I am something called smart, you might have never heard of it, but it's where -'

'Oh that's it Finnigan you're getting it now.'

Leo Thomas-Finnigan ended up in the hospital wing that night with moose antlers and a twisted ankle (the twisted ankle was from trying and failing to run from the jinx), Valentina Lupin-Black got away unscathed.

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