(5) I Will Chop Your Balls Off And Feed Them To The Dragons

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Just to be clear, this morning I was not imaging those things about Adira's legs, no, not in the slightest. I simply just said that to rattle her, and boy did it work, she went bright red and everything.

I'm quickly snapped out my thoughts when Professor Malfoy announces where I'm going to be seated in positions.

'Mr Potter you will be sat next to Ms Rose'.

Urghhhhhhh really! First I get stuck being head boy with her and now this. For God's sake! I only want to try and seduce her in the dorms and maybe occasionally in the halls and stuff, but apart from that I want to be as far away from her as possible.

'What! No no no, Professor you cannot be serious.' I'm not surprised
that the voice has come from the devils spawn herself.

'Oh I am deadly serious Ms Rose, now sit down.'

I bet this is just because Professor Malfoy hates my Dad. Thanks Dad, thanks. Sure you may have gone and saved the wizarding world but you just had to have your arch nemesis be my potions professor. Now I know why you weren't put in Ravenclaw.

'Potter don't you dare ruin this for me, I, unlike you, have a perfect record to keep up.' Adira sneers sitting down.

'I think you mean an almost perfect record.' I say smirking.

She huffs, 'Yes, well we all know who's fault that is don't we.'

'Yes, yours.'

'I cannot believe you! I was not the stupid troll who thought it'd be funny to experiment with the potion was I? Oh no that was your stupid arse. So quite frankly if you dare try and ruin my potion again, I will chop your balls off and feed them to the dragons.'

I gulp. God does she have to be so brutal?
'Oh I'm sure you'd like to see what's under my trousers Rose, but I don't think you could handle it.'

She turns, her knees now brushing mine (did she just give me an electric shock?) leaning in closer so the professor doesn't hear.
'Oh Potter, that's where you're wrong. You see I don't think you could handle me. I mean one look at me in a skirt, and your fantasies are already going wild.'

'Maybe they are Rose, but I know yours are too. I know you were imaging what you'd look like with me pinning you against the bookcase at breakfast. We could make that fantasy become a reality if you'd like?' I say, smirking once again.

'Oh I bet you'd love that Potter, but your gonna have to save that for the wank bank, I bet it's just filled with fantasies of me. Cause you see, where I am simply irresistible, you are simply not.' She looks down at my lips, and then back up into my eyes, her tongue licking her bottom lip slowly, my eyes begrudgingly follow it, she then turns away, and gets back on with the lesson like nothing has happened.

God that was hot! Wait what?

Rose - 3, Potter - 2.

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