(12) Why Not Make One Of Your Fantasies A Reality, Huh?

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I hear a scream right after I turn the corner to hide. Shit! That did not sound like a noise that would come from Professor Malfoy, although father did tell me he screamed like a girl. But then Mum told Dad off for being sexist and said that we should not gender screams, especially if we're inferring that the feminine one is weak. Let's just say, Dad had to go and eat tea at Ron's that night. God I love my mum.

Anyway, I know that scream from anywhere, I mean I've pranked her enough times.


Shit, shit, shit this is not good. I look down at the marauders map and see McGonnagal is coming towards Adira. No, no, no I cannot have another detention, if I get another one I'll risk not being head boy anymore, and don't tell anyone this, but I actually like being head boy. Urghhh what am I going to do?

I quickly run towards Adira and grab her wrist, ignoring her protests, and drag her into the nearest room I can find.


'Shhhhhhh', I say, putting my hand over her mouth, 'She might hear you!'.
Adira once again tries to speak, but thankfully she is muffled by hand. 'Lumos', my wand lights up, and I find that we're in a small, cramped storage cupboard, and only now do I notice me and Adira are pressed right up against one another. And Adira, well let's just say thanks to the prank Adira's robes are now covered in some very colourful paint.

Adira yanks my hand away from her mouth and I see now it's in a very tight frown.

'Potter' she whispers loudly, 'First you cover me in paint, which by the way is not your best prank, and then you shut me in this very small, very cramped storage cupboard with you. God I hate you!'

'The feelings mutual.' I say, trying to stifle a laugh at her paint ridden clothes and truly priceless reaction.
'I can fix them if you want?'

'Like I'd ever trust you with my robes Potter', she spits.

'Good choice Ms Rose, I was only going to transfigure them into a toad or something.' I attempt a shrug, but it's too cramped inside the cupboard.

'One, Potter', she says holding up one finger, 'I think you're forgetting I am top in the year in transfigurations and could very easily change them back.'
I roll my eyes. How could I forget, she's top of the year in everything, bloody smartass. Oh wait she doesn't mind that nickname - note to self find an offensive nickname for Adira Rose, preferably within the time we're stuck in this cupboard.

'And two', she says holding up a second finger, 'I think you're also forgetting I am top of the year in charms. Scourgify.' She waves her wand over her robes and cleans them. How the fuck is she not a Ravenclaw?
'Anyway, while this has been very disturbing Potter and I will most definitely have to talk to Madame Pomfrey about the trauma I have gone through whilst being trapped in a small confined space with you, I need to go.'

'No, no, no', I insist, 'You can't go!'

'And why the hell not Potter?'

'McGonnagal is just about to come around the corner and if she sees you leave this closet now and then sees me in here, she'll probably assume you know....' She visibly cringes. Rude, she'd be lucky to get a piece of this tasty desert.
'And we'll both then get detention for sure and have my head boy, and your head girl badges removed'

'Shit your right. Urghhhh does that feel wrong to say. God Potter you always make my life so difficult.' She turns to me, and due to the cramped space our faces are only inches apart.

I lean in closer, 'Pleasure to be of service. Now while we're in this closet why not make one of your fantasies reality, huh?' Oooo Potter we are good.

'What murdering you? Oooo yes that does sound fun.'

I chuckle, 'No', I lean closer, our faces now centimetres apart,
'How about the first one you had. You know, the one where I pinned you against the bookshelf. I mean sure this is a shelf in a storage cupboard but I bet it'll work just as well'. I look down at her lips, God they're so full and red and - Potter focus! For Gods sake, we need this plan to work - I look back into her eyes and see she's blushing, but not just a little bit, she's bright red. Bingo!
I rest my arms on the shelf, one next to each side of her head, and somehow lean even closer, 'You see Rose', I whisper, 'I'm going to let you in on a little secret.' I tilt my head so I'm now whispering in her ear, 'I've been hard ever since I saw you naked in the bathroom and all it's taking all of me not to do drag your little body back there so we can recreate that exact scene. But do you know what I'd do this time?'

'What', she whispers, barely making a sound.

'I'd walk right up to your little wet body, push you against the sink and kiss your kneck, right here', I whisper, now breathing on her pulse point. I feel her shiver beneath me, 'Until you're begging for more.' She makes a short gasp and I move away a bit until I'm looking her in the eyes. 'Hmmmmm I don't think you're quite ready yet.'
I slowly lick my lower lip and her eyes follow it, 'Maybe next time.'
And with that I turn and leave the storage closet.

Rose - 5, Potter - 5

(That definitely deserved two points right?)



Shit! What just happened? Why am I so hot and flustered? Urghhhhhh!

Rose - 3, Potter - 5.

What the hell is happening?

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