(19) Did Potter Just Wink At Addy?

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It's the next day and I'm currently sat at breakfast in the Great Hall slamming my head on the table.

'Woahhh there Jamesie what's going on?' Fred asks, trying to stifle a laugh.

'Oh hey Freddie, nice to finally see you, did your lips finally get unglued from Monroe's or something?'

'Ha ha very funny. And if you were kissing Seb you would not want a break either. Anyway what's wrong, stressing about the match against Slytherin?' He asks, him and Leo sitting down opposite me.

'No - well yes of course - but it's something else.'

'Oh please don't tell me you blew up the toilets again?' Leo pleads while stuffing his mouth with toast.

'What no! And hey you said you liked that prank.'

He shook his head and points at Fred, 'No I didn't, Fred did.'

'Oh that was a great prank.' Fred agrees, looking off into the distance and clearly remembering it.

'You're only saying that cause I got covered in everyone's piss.'

'Exactly, like I said, great prank.' Fred shrugs then grabs a piece of bacon.

'Anyway.' I sigh, 'it's not about a prank.'

'Then what wrong?' Fred asks while still chewing on his bacon. God he's gross. Like Fred swallow it before you talk.

'It's nothing.'

'Oh my god!' Leo shouts, 'It's about Adira!'

I blush, 'Shhhh quite down will you, the whole hall will hear us.' I whisper shout.

Fred smirks, 'Oh it's definitely about Adira. So what's wrong Jamesie? The plan not going as well as you liked? I thought you said that thing at the prefects meeting worked?'

'It did', I nod, 'But then last night she was reading to me and - '

'Wait she was reading to you!' Leo looks like he's about to burst out laughing.

'Yes', I say through gritted teeth, 'She was, and I realised - '

'What book?' Fred asks grinning, clearly enjoying where this.

I shrug, 'Just some romance.'

'What one?' Leo questions, obviously enjoying making this as painful for me as possible.

'Some book where the Prince of England and the President's son secretly shag everywhere.'

'Oh Red, White and Royal Blue.' Leo says nodding, 'That's a good one.'

'What you've read it!' I'm shocked, I didn't know Leo read books, let alone romances.

Leo nods his head, 'Yeah I read, something about it soothes me.'

'Alright then. Anyway she was reading to me and I just looked up at her, and it just hit me - '

'A bit like that bus hits Regina George in that movie Rose made us watch a few summers ago?' Fred questions.

'Will you stop interrupting me! But yes exactly like that.' I take in a deep breath, Fred and Leo will not be expecting what I'm about to say,
'I realised I like Adira. You know, I like like her... a lot.'

They both turn to each other and burst out laughing.

'What! I'm not joking!'

'Oh we know', Fred says wiping a tear from his eye.

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