(18) Read To Me?

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It's been a week since Adira helped me with the Quidditch strategies (let me tell you I tried them at practice and they're just as amazing as I though they were going to be), but I still can't get our near kiss out of my mind. Would we have kissed if Black wasn't such a cock blocker? Did Adira even want to kiss me? Cause in that moment I certainly wanted to kiss her. Last week I saw a different side to Adira - like I did when we first did our prefect rounds, or when she fell asleep on my lap, I don't hate that side of Adira - the one that jokes and laughs and smiles instead of scowls, the one who's eyes light up when she talks about something she's passionate about, I could be friends with that Adira, maybe even more. All this ridiculous thinking is why I'm currently walking down the stairs to our common room about to go and play Quidditch, because that is the only thing that will truly clear my head of these ridiculous thoughts.

When I get to our common room I see Adira sitting on the sofa reading a book.

'Another romance?' Why? Why did I have to speak? I could of just left and she wouldn't have even noticed me.

She looks up from her book and nods her head.

'What one?'

'Why do you care?' She replies.

I shrug, yes why do I care? 'Dunno just curious.'

'Oh um it's one called Red, White and Royal Blue.'

I shrug again, 'Never heard of it.'

'We'll of course you haven't, you never read.'

'Yeah I do.' I nod my head, offended.

She looks unconvinced, 'Really?'

'Yeah, I've read Quidditch through the ages a thousand times.'

She laughs, a genuine laugh, the one that makes her eyes light up and leaves a funny feeling in my stomach. Urghhhh I'm meant to be getting Adira out of my head, not thinking about her more.

'We'll I'm not one to judge, I've read this book a ton of times too.' She says, showing me the cover.

'What's it about?'

'It's about the Prince of England and the Presidents son secretly shagging everywhere.'

I laugh, 'Hmmm sounds interesting.'

'It really is. Cause seeing them falling in love is just so.' She sighs and smiles, and that funny feeling comes back, 'it's just so beautiful.'

Her eyes go all soft and I practically melt into the floor. God what is happening to me, I hate Adira. No, I loathe Adira. So why aren't I cross with her? Or wanting to argue with her? Why is it that when she turns around and carries on reading I want to talk to her again?

'Read to me?' I ask, walking over and sitting on the sofa, so that my head rests against the arm.

She scoffs, 'Why? So you can make fun of it?'

'No', I shake my head 'I just want to see what it's about.'

There's a few seconds of silence before she nods her head, 'Okay.'

I close my eyes and listen to her read. Her voice is so silky and smooth and calm, nothing like how she normally sounds talking to me, and it's so relaxing.

I open my eyes to look at her and see her lips moving slowly as she says each word, it's once again turned into a soft smile; like it was when she was resting against my chest in the prefects meeting. Her eyes are alight with intrigue, like she could see the book coming to life in front of her. She just looks so sweet, so gentle, she looks cute.

And that's when it hit me; like Regina George being hit by that bus in the movie Rose made me watch the other summer.

I like Adira Rose.

I like Adira Rose a lot.

Shit! What am I going to do now?

Potter - 6, Rose -

God it's not even worth counting anymore.

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