(23) Why Are Our Friends Such Cock Blocks?

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It's Thursday night which means me and Adira are sat at the stable in our common room, Quidditch strategies sprawled all over the table, and me and her debating what the team should do next.

After she was so helpful last time I asked her if we could meet and make Quidditch strategies every Thursday, she begrudgingly agreed.

The problem is every time I look at her I'm reminded of what she said to me on Tuesday - 'you sucking my neck, me grinding against your dick so hard you groan' - fuck I've been thinking about that conversation far too much, sometimes in class, which lead to a very difficult 'thank god I have a robe' situations.

Adira's face is serious and she's biting her lip, something I've realised she does when she's thinking hard, and it most certainly does not help my current situation.

'Are you going to help Potter or not?'

'I am, I am'

'Well you're currently busy staring at me, so you're clearly not.' I blush, hard.
'I think we should once again focus on our beaters, unlike the Slytherins, the Hufflepuff chasers are the strongest people on their team, however their keeper is weak, really weak, he can barely catch the quaffle. Therefore we need to once again try and find a way to get the chasers distracted and off their game, if that happens we can easily score.'

I scoff, 'Of course you want to focus on the beaters.'

She looks up at me, shooting daggers - God she looks so cute her face all serious and riled up, 'What's that supposed to mean?'

'It's means that of course you want to focus on the beaters when your new boyfriend is one of them.'

She laugh, 'Harry Thomas is not my boyfriend.'

'Oh really?' God that's a relief, but I can't let her know that.

'Yes really! And you're not one to talk when you're flirting with Hannah Smith every two seconds.'

'Correction, I flirted with her once, and that meant nothing, I don't even like her.'

'Oh.' Is she relieved? Oh please let her be relieved.

'And I wasn't the one who came and whispered in your ear dirty, unforgettable things.'

She turns bright red, and looks away, so cute.
'Ummmmm yeah, I'm sorry about that by the way, I just wanted to get in your head.'

I chuckle, 'Well it certainly worked. I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since, and don't be sorry it was... it was kinda hot.' It was really hot James, really fucking hot.

She turns even more red, still not looking at me, 'Well it was rude, you were busy with Smith and - '

'Who gives a fuck about Smith'

She looks up at me now and I see a piece of her hair has dropped out one of her claw clip, I brush it off her face and took it behind her ear (learnt that move from one of the books Rose gave me). Her skin is just as smooth as I thought it would be, God why did I do that? Now all I want to do is touch her again.

She's looking deep into my eyes and there is an energy between us (like the first time we made Quidditch strategies together) charged, electric. I have a funny feeling in my chest, I just don't know what it is, I lean in closer and she does too, we're only millimetres apart, 'Adira can I - '


Urghhhhh why are our friends such fucking cock blocks, we should start locking the door, but what's the point we can just unlock it again with our wands.

Adira quickly darts up out of her chair, 'Ummmm I-I'm gonna go, yep ummm same time next week James, yeah? Ummmm okay I'm gonna yep. Bye!' And with that she darts up to her room.

I see Fred and shoot daggers at him with my eyes, oh if looks could kill.


I sigh, 'Come on lets go upstairs.'



For fucks sake why are our friends such cock blocks? And was it just me or was James going to kiss me. Do you think he felt the energy change between us and had this weird feeling in his chest he can't describe? And he didn't call me Rose, he called me Adira.

James Sirius Potter. My James Sirius Potter. What are you doing to me?

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