(15) You Can Sit On My Lap?

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A week later me, Fred and Leo hatch a plan to try and get me one up on Adira after the little closet incident. Fuck! That closet incident, Adira just looked so - no way, not this again, we are not doing this again!

Anyway back on with the plan. Today we have a prefects meeting and I'm going to make sure Adira is late.

But James, Adira is always in time? Yes I know that, that's why I have Leo (it would have been Leo and Fred, be he's always busy snogging Monroe somewhere. I walked in on them in the Quidditch changing rooms on Wednesday, and when I say I ran and bathed myself in holy water, I mean it. Poor little Jamesie is now scarred for life). Anyway, let's not remind myself of that traumatising event - I'm going to have Leo distracting Adira so she turns up late.

But James how are you possibly going to distract Adira, she'd never fall for it? Well you see that's where you're wrong, cause you see I'm a genius, a genius who knows Adira can't help but want help people (well apart from me), even if it makes her late. So I got Leo to get Adira to help him with his charms homework, and really drag it out. So much so that everyone arrives at the meeting before her.

But James why is that important, you're not going to seduce her with that? Oh but that's where you're wrong, very wrong. You see today's prefect meeting is run by the prefects themselves as they give updates on how everything is going on around school, blah blah blah, which is mega boring and therefore the perfect time to use my mad flirting skills to get one up on Adira. So I plan to hide little Adira Rose's chair, so she only has one place to sit. My lap.



I run into the prefects meeting five minutes late. 'I am so sorry I was helping someone with their charms homework and - '

James tuts, 'Rose, Rose, Rose, that is simply unacceptable. You need to be a role model to these prefects, and what do you do? Turn up late.' He tuts again.

'I said I was sorry, and I was actually helping someone. Unlike you who turned up late simply because you were pulling a stupid prank.' I grit my teeth.

He shakes his head, 'Excuses, excuses, excuses. My, my Rose we might have to have a little talk with Minnie to get you put in your place. We have all been sat here waiting for five minutes.'

My hands clench into fists, 'I said I was sorry and it won't happen again.'

'It better not, because this is simply unacceptable.' Have I told you I loathe James Potter, cause I really do.
'Now you're wasting even more of our precious time, so please take a seat.'

I look around to find there are no more seats available. What?

'Oh no!' James says, 'looks like there's no more seats.'

Urghhhhh he did this! Note to self: kill James Sirius Potter.
'It's fine, I'll just go and get another one.' My knuckles are white now.

'Oh no, you can't do that, it'll take too long and you're already late.'
All the prefects nod their heads. Stupid fucking prefects, siding with stupid fucking James Sirius Potter.

My jaw is now tight, 'Well where do you suppose I sit?'

'Well you could sit', he taps his thighs, 'On my lap?'

'Oh hell no!'

'Why? Scared Rose?'
Is he really repeating my words from the party?

'No I'm not scared Potter I just think it would be indecent at a prefects meeting.'

He smirks, 'Well you have to sit down.'

'No I don't.'

'Yes you do.' He nods his head and the prefects nod with him (note to self: kill the prefects and James Potter).
'You see the rules state that all who attends the prefects meetings must be seated on a chair, and since there are no chairs left, and I'm sitting on a chair, you can sit in my lap.' He says, tapping his thighs again. 'Don't want to break the rules do we now Rose?'

I huff and storm over to him, chucking my bag on the floor, and sit on his stupid firm, stupid muscley, stupid lap. God why are his thighs so firm?



It worked! My plan actually worked. I always knew it would, didn't doubt it for a second.

But did she really have to sit so far up my lap? She's literally sitting on it (if you know what I mean). And she keeps squirming. God can you just sit still! I'm trying to seduce you not the other way around.

Right James time to put the plan into action.

I put my hands in her waist to stop her moving, 'Uncomfortable?'

'Very, now get your hands off me', she replies, whispering through gritted teeth.

'You can you lean back against me sweetheart.'

I see her jaw clench, 'Don't call me sweetheart, and let go of me.'

I lean closer so I'm pratically breathing on her kneck. I feel her go still, 'What would you prefer to be called - Love? Darling? Babe?'

'Nothing I'd prefer to be called nothing by you.' I see goose bumps on her kneck and I can't help but smirk. I'm affecting her.

'We'll Ms Nothing, can you please stop moving so much, otherwise we're going to have a ... situation.'

She coughs and I see her cheeks turn a lovely bright tomato red.

Rose - 6, Potter - 6.


A bit into the meeting I feel Adira's back pressed against my chest and hear her soft breathing. I look down and see she's asleep.

Her eyes are closed and she her lips are turned into a faint smile. She stirs, and I hold my breath, but she only moves in closer resting her head on my chest and grabbing my shirt.

I let out a sigh of relief - wait what? Relief, do I want her resting on my chest?

She just looks so sweet and peaceful right now - the scowl is gone and she no longer has that line between her eyebrows she gets when she's frowning at me (which is practically all of the time). She just looks so cute and beau- Oh God! What's happening to me! It's one thing to realise that on some occasions, in some items of clothing Adira looks hot. But cute .... CUTE! I can never think Adira Rose looks cute!

I look down at her again and feel myself smile softly.


Rose - 7, Potter - 6.

Why is this plan not fucking working?



I'm woken up by someone whispering in my ear, 'Rose, Rose, the meetings over.'

I look and see James smiling softly at me, it's slightly crooked and his eyes slightly crinkled in the corners. God that smile, it's makes his face look so soft, and sweet and kinda cute. I feel my lips turning up in response - urghhhh what is happening to me, it's one thing to realise that on some occasions, in some items of clothing James looks hot. But cute....CUTE! I can never think James Potter looks cute!

I immediately set my lips in a firm line, 'Well thank you for the seat Potter, see you around.'

I quickly stand up and grab my bag before running out the room.

Rose - 4, Potter - 6.

For fucks sake.

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