(6) Ms 'I Can't Dance' My Arse

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'You did not!' Val says at dinner.

'I know right, I shocked my self too.'

'Addy why can't you like girls.' Val groans.

'Yeah if you did you would be a literal lesbian icon'

'Thanks Seb but the true icon around here is you.' I say laughing.

Val nods, 'Yeah she's right Sebby.'

'Awww thanks guys.' Seb says blushing, such a cutie.
'Also what are we wearing tonight?'

'Oh I was just going to wear my jeans and this cute shirt I bought.' I say casually, shrugging my shoulders.

Val slams her cup on the table. 'No, no, no Addy you cannot do that! You know that James obviously cannot resist your fabulous legs, and can I blame him, cause I mean look at them' she says pointing to them, 'so you've got to use that to your advantage.'

'Yeah Addy, Val's right.'

'Urghhhh do I have to?' I groan, 'Seducing someone is so tiring. I don't even want to go to this party, I'd rather go to the library.'

'Oh Addy its our final year, you cannot spend all your time in the library. Anyway I've got the perfect outfit for you. Come with me to my dorm after dinner and get ready with me.'

'Hey, what about me?' Seb says pouting.

'Sebby, of course you're invited too. I saw this cute nail design on Pinterest over the summer that I really want to try on you.'

Seb grins, 'Cool!'

'Addy you in?'

'Urghhhh fine.'

'Great, come on then.' Val says dragging me out of my seat.

Why did I agree to this?


After much resistance from me, and a whole lot of persistence from Val and Seb, I put on the outfit Val chose. I hate to say it but she's right, I do look good in this dress - it's sparkly and silver and stops around my mid thigh, it's quite tight too, so accentuates my curves. I've paired it with my black Doc Martins because I cannot walk in heels for the life of me, and my hair is in its signature space buns.

Vals in her trademark green 'I wanna get laid dress', with her tall black heels that scream 'most would break their ankle in seconds, but not me cause I'm Valentina Lupin-Black'.

And Sebs in his black ripped jeans with a shirt with flowers printed all over it. Val had actually chose to paint his nails with flowers on too, so it suited him perfectly. He's certainly gonna break some hearts tonight, and then feel guilt about it, apologise and then send them some flowers and chocolate in the morning to apologise some more - cause you know, he's Seb.

Anyway, together we look hot and definitely ready to party.


By the time we get to the Slytherin common room the music is already deafening and the room is crammed with sweaty horny teens all dancing and drinking. God this is going to get wild, thank fuck for the silencing charm.

Me, Val and Seb all head for the drinks table first, which just happens to be where I come face to face with Mr 'I'm so great' Potter . Why do I have to bumb into him this early? I give him a look up and down and attempt a look of disgust but I'm speechless. He's wearing this white shirt - the top few buttons undone exposing some of his chest - paired with some black jeans and converse. His hair is messy and his cheeks are slightly red rather from drinking or dancing. God James Potter looks good. Woahhhh where did that thought come from? James Potter most certainly does not look good. Forget that thought ever popped into my brain, I'm clearly going dizzy from all this heat and loud music.

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