(11) I Don't Blame Her For Thinking You're A Perve

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Shit! I over slept. I quickly dive out of bed and make a run for the bathroom, grabbing my uniform on the way.

Shit, shit, shit. How did I let this happen? I need to have a shower as well. Oh God I'm going to be so late.

I burst into the bathroom about to take my clothes off when I hear a scream.

Fuck! It's Adira. Adira stood there, frozen, in front of me, water dripping down her body, her very naked body.

Don't look James, don't look, whatever you do, do not look.

Fuck I'm looking and now I can't seem to stop.

The water droplets are slowly running down her neck, to her collar bone, before landing on her -

'POTTER WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING YOU PERV! WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T YOU KNOCK!' She screams, hastily wrapping a towel around herself - that's a shame (what I've not had a good shag in ages so even the most evil person in the world's body is turning me on right now. I'm only human, I have needs... Wait why haven't I been shagged in ages?)

'Ummmm, ummmm, I was', I cough. Get it together James it's just a naked body, you've seen tons of naked women and you never stutter around them. Come on say something cool, something cocky, something that will both irritate her whilst also turning her on, 'BREAKFAST!'
What the fuck Potter! How was that cool? I mentally slap myself.

'Breakfast?' She says smirking clearly knowing she's affected me.

'Yeah, ummm, I woke up late and was going to be late for breakfast.' Wow Potter real seductive.

'So you thought it was alright to barge into the bathroom. God Potter you're rather thick as shit or a complete perv, either way GET OUT!'

'Sorry, ummmm, yeah, ummm sorry' I stutter, turning around and hurriedly trying to leave the bathroom, so much so that when I open the door it smacks right into my face. Adira laughs. Great Potter you look really cool now, she's so going to want you.

I race back to my room, and as soon as I'm inside I lean my head back against the door.

Shit I'm hard, really fucking hard.

Rose - 5, Potter - 3


'I don't blame her for thinking you're a perv', Leo says stuffing his face with toast.

'Yeah me neither, I mean if you were staring at her body and everything.' Fred adds.

'I wasn't staring!' Fred gives me a look, 'Ok, I was staring a little, but it's not my fault I just haven't been shagged in ages.'

'Yeah why haven't you?' Leo asks.

I shrug, 'I dunno just haven't had the time I guess.'

'Or is it because you are too consumed with thinking about a certain someone who you just happened to see naked this morning.' Fred asks.

I shake my head vigorously, 'No, no no! She is not the reason, at all. I've just been really busy with head boy duties and stuff.'

Fred does not looked convinced.

'Speaking of how did she look?' Leo questions.

'I'm not telling you that. God Leo look who's the perv now.'

'Oh come on you've got to tell us something. Did she get you, you know', he winks.

I slam my head on the desk, 'I'm the hardest I have ever been in my entire life.'

'Still?' Leo asks shocked.

I nod.

'God she must have some body!' Fred shouts.

Yep she most certainly does.

Rose - 5, Potter - 3.

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