(4) Why Do I Have To Be So Pale?

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'So your plan is to seduce James, so much so that he's practically begging for you and then you'll turn him down. That is absolutely.... Genius! God I couldn't be more proud.' Says Val, I always knew she would love this.
'You know what, I don't know why you weren't put into Ravenclaw, because just wow, I can't wait for this plan to work'.

It's currently breakfast and I'm sat with my two best friends, Valentina Lupin-Black and Seb Monroe at the Hufflepuff table.

'Aren't you and James related?' Seb asks.

'Urghhhh don't remind me'. Val was adopted by Remus Lupin and Sirius Black when she was born, so sadly she is related to the devil himself, i.e. James Sirius Potter.

'Also I don't agree with this plan, it seems a bit mean'. Seb is literally the sweetest person alive.

'Seb, it's not mean, it's simply payback for all the bitchy things Potter has done to me'

'Ok, but when it goes wrong I will tell you I told you so'

'Whatever, it won't go wrong, cause Addy is gonna be amazing, and btw loving the skirt, you look hot. If you liked girls I'd totally bang you.'

'Ewwwww, Val don't talk like that' I say, grimacing slightly.

'Oh sweet, sweet Addy what do you want me to say, make love.' She says, dragging out the last word.

Her and Seb burst out laughing. They always like to make fun of sweet little Addy, the hopeless romantic, but I don't care, and I can't help but start laughing with them.



I look up from my breakfast when I hear a group of people laughing loudly from the Hufflepuff table. Of course it's Adira and her friends, they always laugh obnoxiously loudly. Just seeing her face reminds me of how shes got one up on me. Urghhhh I was meant to seduce her this morning, what went wrong? I need to get this plan into action and fast.

'James!' I'm sturred from my thoughts by Fred, one of my best friends.


'Finally I've called your name about 5 billion times'

'Dramatic much.' That's Leo, my other best friend, who is currently rolling his eyes, as usual.
'Anyway, who are you looking at?'

'No one.' I say too quickly. Shit.

'Hmmmm okay'. Fred says looking where my eyes were a few seconds ago.
'Wait were you looking at Rose?'

'No!' I say once again too quickly. God I've got to stop doing that it makes me too suspicious.

I look over to see Fred and Leo smirking at each other.
'No, no, no not like that.'

'Sure.' They both say.

'Ew, God no.' I insist shaking my head from side to side rather vigorously.
'Not like that. Not anything like that. You see I have a plan, I'm going to seduce Rose until she's pratically begging for me and then I'll turn her down. She'll be so embarrassed and I'll forever have one up on her'.

Fred and Leo share another look. I sigh rolling my eyes,
'Will you stop doing that, I promise it's not like that, I just need to win this feud once and for all.'

'Okay.' Fred says too casually for my liking.


'Yes okay, if that's what you want to do.'

'Yeah, if you want to seduce her simply to get one up on her and not for any other reasons at all', Leo says in a sarcastic tone I do not like.

'No Leo', Fred says jokingly, shaking his head, 'Our little Jamesie certainly wouldn't have any other reasons for trying to seduce Rose, that'd simply be ridiculous. You've got to remember that they hate each other.' He's smirking now.

'Urghhhhh you two are impossible, I'm leaving.'

'Bye, bye little Jamesie, have fun with your plan that is totally just meant for getting one up on her, not for any other reasons at all.' Fred shouts, him and Leo waving goodbye with huge, fake smiles on their faces.
God I need to get new friends.

I hear laughing again, and see that it's once again Adira. Time to put the plan into action.



I'm laughing at a joke Val just told when I see a shadow looming over me. I immediately know who it is.

'Potter.' I say not bothering to look up.

'Rose, nice to know that you know it's me without even looking up, you're more obsessed with me than I thought.'

I roll my eyes, 'No I can just smell Quidditch failure from here. Now, what do you want Potter?'

'Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you something is all.'

'What!' I say through gritted teeth, still not looking up. I already have to suffer sharing the dorms with him, I don't need his royal privileged arse near me at breakfast. Like does he have to ruin everything?

When he speaks again it's a whisper in my ear, so close that his lips are almost brushing it.
'Oh nothing, just wanted to tell you that I was staring at you legs this morning. I was wondering what they'd look like wrapped around my waist while I was pinning you against that bookcase'.

I feel my cheeks heating up and I cough. For fuck sake why do I have to be so pale, our faces heat up at the slightest of things! Why can't it be more like Val's, her beautiful black skin barely ever shows a blush. I feel him smirk next to me ear and hear him slowly walk away. I only look up when I hear him shout,
'Oh Rose I forgot, are you coming to the party tonight?'

'What party?'

'The one in the Slytherin common room?'

I cough again, still feeling warm and weird, 'ummmm yeah.'

He smirks again, knowing I'm still rattled, 'Cool see you there.'
He winks and turns to leave.

Rose - 2, Potter - 2.



And that people, is how it's done.

Potter - 2, Rose - 2.

The plan is officially in action.

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