(25) Addy Loves The Rain

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It's once again Thursday night, but Adira hasn't turned up to our 'Quidditch Strategy Session', which is very unlike her, so i am currently in the Great Hall looking for her friends.

'Black, Monroe, have you seen Rose?'

'Oh it's Quidditch Strategy Session night', Valentina says.

I nod, 'Yeah it is, but she hasn't turned up, so I was wondering if you know where she is.'

'Oh she probably lost track of the time, it's raining.' She shrugs like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

'So?' I ask.

'Oh you don't know?' Seb says, 'Addy loves the rain, so every time it rains she likes to go out in it.'

I laugh, why is that such an Adira thing to do?




I'm currently stood in the rain. I love how it feels pouring down my face, like it washes all my worries away, until it finds solace in my clothes. But I'm broken out of my thoughts by a voice.

'Having fun there Rose?'

I don't even need to open my eyes to know who it is, the butterflies I feel in my stomach tell me who, 'Very much Potter.'

'You're missing out Quidditch strategy meeting'.

My eyes dart open and I look at him smirking at me, 'Oh shit! I'm so sorry, I lost track of the time and -'

He shakes his head chuckling and coming closer, 'No need to be sorry Rose, just wanted to check you're not going insane, but by the looks of it you are.'

I go to shove him in the shoulder, but it's only now I notice that he's taken my hand in his and his other is on my waist, mine on his shoulder, and we are slowly swaying from side to side.

'Hey! I am not going insane, the rain is beautiful and soothing - '

'And dangerous', he adds.

'It's not that dangerous.'

'Oh really, because if I remember correctly, I had to carry you to the hospital wing in third year because you twisted your ankle while running in the rain.'

'Hey I'm a Gryffindor I can handle a little danger.'

He laughs and up this close I can feel it vibrate through my body - I just want to take that sound and store it in a bottle, hidden away from the world and only open it when the world feels to much and I need something truly magical. His shirt is now soaked through and clinging to his muscles and water droplets are collecting on his eyelashes. God he's beautiful, he glows, blinding me, even when the sky is dark on what is meant to be a dismal day. How did I not see it before?



I don't know what pushed me to dance with Adira, maybe all those romance books I've read have gone to my head, but I totally see why they write scenes like this, they are just marvellous, indescribable. Adira looks so happy and calm in the rain, her eyes sparkling with happiness and her cheeks red, nipped by the cold. Her hand being dwarfed in mine, it's silky and smooth, and my other one clutching her small waist, it's so small I can practically sprawl my hand across the entirety of her back - it's perfect, she's perfect. When I twirl her around she giggles and it is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. It is something that warms me from the outside all the way into my very soul, and making that funny feeling come back in my chest again, practically suffocating me, begging me to understand what it means.

It's when she looks at me again, glowing brighter than the sun, is when I realise it.

I, James Potter, am completely and utterly in love with Adira Rose, I think I always have.

I still remember the first time I saw her. It was September 1st 2015 and I was about to board the Hogwarts Express, I saw this girl who looked my age saying goodbye to who I now know is her mum, and then she turned to look at me, and I got a funny feeling in my stomach, which I now know is not because I was nervous to go Hogwarts, but I was nervous about the girl I just saw. The girl who's hair was in a short bob framing her face, and her eyes sparking just like they are now, she was even shorter than she is now. She was perfect, she still is.

I have been with many girls in my life but none of them compare to Adira - her wit and smartass comments, her genuine care for others, her love of romance books and the rain.

Adira doesn't care if I'm James Sirius Potter, son, grandson and nephew of some of the most famous wizards and witches of all time, I'm still just that annoying boy she hates. And I love that (well not the hate part), I love that she doesn't care who I am, that she doesn't see me as the labels I am so often given, and I love Adira Rose, too much for my own good.

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