Epilogue - Why I Love You

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It's the Thursday before the last Quidditch match of the year, Gryffindor verses Ravenclaw, and me and Adira are currently talking strategy for the game.

The papers are spread all over the floor and Adira is sat between my legs, her back resting against my chest - we decided a while ago to start doing Quidditch strategies on the floor because not only is it more comfortable, but it's also easier for me to kiss her, which I am currently doing now.

'James cut it out', she giggles batting my face away from her neck.

'Why?' I moan, resting my chin on her shoulder,

'Because we're playing Ravenclaw in two days and you only have one one practice with the team left before the game and our current strategies won't work, Ravenclaw is smart, they've caught onto our ideas with the beaters.'

'Urghhhhh you're right, but we can talk about that in a minute.'

She fakes a gasp, 'Talk about something other than Quidditch.'

I tickle her sides and she laughs before I wrap my hands around her waist, 'Yes, talk about something other than Quidditch, like have you decided what you want to do jobs wise after Hogwarts?'

Me and Adira have already talked about our living situation after Hogwarts and although we practically share a bed every night, we still feel like we are too young to move in together. I also want to live with Leo and Fred for a while and Adira wants to live with Seb and Val. But luckily if I want to see her she'll only be right next door, that's right we're going to be neighbours.

'Ummmm I'm not sure yet, maybe I'll become a healer, I mean I love helping people, but I don't know if I could mentally cope with seeing people hurt and in pain, maybe I'll become a professor? But for now I'm just gonna get a job at a shop in Diagon Alley for a bit I think.'

'You can take as long as you want to decide your career.'

She nods, 'I know, it's just that Val's always knows she wants to be a fashion designer and Seb has decided to he wants to be a magizoologist, Leo's going to work in Weasley Wizard Wheezes for a bit until he gets a job as a commentator, and you and Fred have already made the Chuddley Cannons Quidditch team, I just feel kinda lost.'

'Adira love you are amazing, whatever you decide to be, whenever you decide to be it, you will be amazing I am sure of it.'

She sighs leaning her head back on my shoulder and I lean down to kiss her, 'God I love you', she says.

'I love you too, now come on back on to the strategy making.'

'Urghhhh fine.'

A while later I feel Adira go heavy on my chest and hear her breathing softly, I look down and see she's asleep. I gently took a strand of hair behind her ear and lean down to kiss her forehead. Her lips turn into a soft smile and she grabs on to my shirt, just like she did in the prefects meeting. I still can't get over how beautiful she is, we've been dating for months now and she still takes my breath away and gives me that funny feeling in my chest. 'I love you Adira', I whisper, 'My sweet, sweet Adira, I always will, that's the plan.'



It's the day of the Quidditch match and I'm currently stood in the stands with Seb. I'm wearing James' Quidditch jersey that they wear at practice, and my stomach's knotted with nerves.

'Calm down he'll do great', Seb says.

I nod, 'I know, I know I just can't help it you know.'

Seb nods his head, 'I get the same feeling every time I watch Fred play, but I promise they'll do great.'

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