(21) Only I Can Make Her Blush

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It's now officially two weeks and a day since I realised I liked James Sirius Potter, and I now see that it is completely ridiculous. I mean he will never like me back - he hates me. So what am I doing? I'm currently flirting with Harry Thomas, beater of the quidditch team, to try and get James fucking 'I'm so cute, with my soft curly hair and deep brown eyes, and smile that makes my knees weak' Potter out of my head. And as you can see it's clearly not working.

Harry is alright I guess, he's cute, but I keep comparing him to James: James' eyes are dark brown and are warm and inviting, displaying every emotion he feels without a thought - it makes me feel like I could stare in them for hours, discovering and exploring their hidden depths. Harry's are a sharp blue and feel like they pierce into my soul, each emotion is clouded and you can never be sure what he is thinking. James has full, pink lips, ones I just want to stand up on my tip toes and kiss, never stopping - he can be my oxygen allowing me to breathe and that's all I need. Harry's are thinner and quite pale, not at all kissable. James' hair looks soft and disheveled and I just want to run my fingers through it while reading to him on the sofa, Harry's is styled to perfection, I feel that it would be crunchy and I most certainly do not want to read to him, that's mine and James' thing. Harry is someone I'd usually enjoy flirting with but he's just not my James.

Just thinking of James makes me blush.

Urghhhh James Potter what are you doing to me.



I'm currently on my way to Quidditch practice when I see Harry Thomas flirting with some girl, urghhhhh it's like he doesn't even care about Quidditch. I'm about to go and tell him to get his arse to practice when I see who he's with. Adira. He's with my Adira. Why is Adira talking to him? Not just talking to him, flirting with him. And she's blushing, why is she blushing? Only I can make her blush.

Urghhh I'm gonna kill him, I'm gonna fucking kill him.

I storm up to fucking Harry Thomas, 'THOMAS QUIDDITCH PRACTICE NOW!'

I see Adira jump at my voice, but I don't turn to look at her, I can't.

'Alright, alright, I'm coming I was just talking to this lovely lady here.' He winks at her, he fucking winks at her, only I do that.


I storm off to the field, visibly fuming.

'Woahhhhh Jamesie you alright?' Fred questions when I arrive.

'Fine', I say through gritted teeth.

You know what Adira if you're gonna flirt with other people, I will too, forget about the plan, it obviously would t work anyway.



I know I shouldn't be thinking this but James looked so hot just now - his jaw clenched, that muscle jumping in it, his hand balled into fists, and his eyes staring daggers at Harry. Was he jealous? Oh please let him be jealous.

And why did Harry have to wink at me? Unlike with James, I just wanted to scoff and roll my eyes, I didn't blush or anything.

Obviously flirting with other boys is not going to work. I've just got to face the facts - I like James Sirius Potter an awful lot, and that is not going to change anytime soon.

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