(10) You Gave Her A Point For Her Smile?

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'So Jamesie how's the plan going?' Fred asks.

I groan and slam my head on the table remembering last night.

'That badly huh?' Asks Leo.

'Rose - 4, Potter - 3'

They both grimace, 'What happened?' Fred asks.

'You don't even want to know'

'Oh but we most definitely do.' Leo replies with a huge grin on his face,
'You're Mr 'ladies man' Potter and your plan is failing, this is absolutely priceless.' Both him and Fred laugh.

'So', Fred elbows me, 'What did she do?'

'She smiled'

'What?' They both ask, completely confused.

'She smiled' I reply like it's the most obvious thing in the world. I remember that smile on her face, after her laugh, God that laugh, and that smile. Oh god what's happening to me, I hate Adira.

I look up from the table to see Fred and Leo smirking at each other.

'What?' I ask annoyed, 'It's not like that.'

'Oh it most certainly is like that', Fred insists smirking once again, 'you've got it bad'

'Really bad', Leo buts in.

'Urghhhh no I don't, I hate her remember, and my plan is going to work, I've just got to get my A game on'.

'What were you using before?' Leo questions trying not to laugh.

'My B game, I thought I could defeat her with that, but the devils spawn needs my A game.'

'And what does this said 'A game' entail?' Fred questions.

'You know, I can't just flirt a bit with her, I've got to make her so flustered she doesn't know what she's gonna do with herself.'

'Good luck with that', Leo laughs

'What's that supposed to mean?' I snap.

'Well you did literally just give her a point for, and I quote, 'her smile', so it currently looks like you're the flustered one.' Leo states.

Fred nods his head and points his thumb towards Leo, 'He's got you there Jamesie.'

I shake my head, 'No he hasn't, I know what I'm doing.' Both of them roll their eyes, 'Urghhhhh anyway', I groan, not having time for their ridiculous logic, 'Fred how's it going with Monroe?' I wiggle my eyes brows.

Fred blushes, 'I don't know, I really like him, you know he's cute, he's super sweet and funny, I just don't know if he likes guys, you know?'

Leo scoffs, 'No, I don't know. I literally saw him making out with Taylor Adams under the Quidditch stands before the summer.'

'Oh', Fred says, blushing once again, 'But I just don't know if he likes me that way.'

This time I scoff, 'Fred he asked you on a study date didn't he?'

'Yes, ummm I don't know if it was a date though.'

'Fred' I reply, 'It was a date, he clearly likes you.'

'You mean like someone giving a certain someone a point for simply smiling at them?' Leo asks smirking.

'Oh shut up' I say throwing a strawberry at him.

'Hey' Fred interrupts, 'Don't waste food!'

I chuck a strawberry at him and we all burst out laughing.



'So Seb' I ask, 'Hows it going with Weasley?'

'Yeah', Val asks, 'Shagged him yet? Is he a top or a bottom? I personally feel like he's a bottom, I don't know why, I just get the vibes you know?'

Seb nods his head, 'Totally get what you mean, but sadly there has been no progress on the Fred front, I mean I don't even know if he likes guys. I mean I've been out since I popped out my Mum's vagina, but Fred, I don't know' Seb sighs, shaking his head.

'Seb honey, Fred doesn't need to put a label on himself to like guys, take me for example I don't have a label, I just like who I like.' Val replies shrugging.

'Yeah but everyone knows that, I've never even seen Fred kiss a guy or anything like that.'

'Seb sweetie' I say, 'he clearly likes you, you've just got to be brave and make a move.'

'Hey that's your thing Ms Gryffindor, my thing is to be loyal, or what was it that weird musical thing you showed me said, oh yeah that was it, we're also great finders.'

We all laugh.

'Seb sweetie if you're a great finder, find out if Fred likes you.' I reply.

'Oh yeah and how do you suppose I do that?'

'Ask him!' Me and Val shout at the same time.

'Alright, alright', he holds his hands up in mock surrender, 'I will, soon, just not yet.'

I sigh, 'Okay.'

'Anyway Addy, how's it going with Mr Potter?' Seb asks

'Ummmm,' I blush remembering last night and my stomach gets that weird feeling again.

'Oooooo Addy what happened?' Val asks.

'Nothing' I reply, a bit too quickly for their liking. Shit.

They send each other a look.

'For Gods sake what is with that look? You guys and Weasley and Finnigan were all giving it me and James at the party.'

They both smirk again, 'James, huh?' Seb asks, 'when did the oh so hated Potter become a James?'

I blush. 'I-I didn't say James, I said Potter, I most definitely said Potter.'

'No you didn't sweetie', Val smirks shaking her head.

'W-well I'm just really tired from the prefect rounds last night and ummm all the studying I've been doing and stuff, purely slip of the tongue.'

Val and Seb share a look.


Rose - 3, Potter - 4.

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