(20) Rose Can I Borrow Some Romance Books?

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It's the day after the match and I'm currently searching for my cousin,
'Rose, Rose!' I run up to my cousin Rose Granger-Weasley who is currently sat in the library with Albus and Scorpio.
'Hey Albus, Scorp'

'Hey', they all reply at the same time.

'What do you want?' Rose asks, closing her book.

'Ummm so I was wondering if you could borrow me some romance books?' I whisper the last part.

'Borrow you some what?'

'Some romance books!' I say loudly, everyone in the library turning and  looking at me like 'why the fuck does James Sirius Potter want romance books, he's a full on ladies man?' Well, although that is true, there is only one person I want, and she currently hates me so I will take any advice I can get. And seeing as though she loves romance books so much, what better advice can I get than from one of them.

'What do you want with romance books?' Rose asks.

'Ummm just some research.'

'Research?' Albus questions, 'Why do you need to research romance books?'

'Ummmmm it's not research on romance books as such, but more getting advice from them.' I say, scratching the back of my neck nervously and looking at the floor.

They all burst out laughing, Albus even going as far as to slap his hand on the table, and then they quickly quieten down when they remember they're in the library. 'Why do need advice on - wait there's a girl isn't there?' Albus questions, smirking.

'Ummmmm w-well, ummm'.

'Oh my God he's stuttering. He's got it bad!' Rose says, stifling a laugh.

'So who's the girl?' Scorp wonders.

'Ummm it's actually, ummmm it's Rose.'

'Rose? There's no Rose in your year. Ooooo is she younger?' Sometimes my brother is a bit thick.

'Ummmm no she's -'

'Oh my god!' Rose (my cousin not Adira, just to be clear) shouts for the second time, 'It's Adira isn't it? Adira Rose.'

'No it can't she Adira, James hates her.' Scorpio buts in (well at least my brother's boyfriend is as thick as him, the perfect match).

'Ummmm actually Rose is right', I say, once again rubbing the back of my neck.

'Get in!' She pumps her fist.

'What! You like Adira, but I thought you hated her!' Scorpio nods his head at Albus' remark.

'Ummmm we I did, but ummmm there was this plan and ummm - '

'Wait! What plan?' Rose asks.

'Not important', I reply, 'I just like her now, a lot, and she loves reading these romance books so much that I thought I'd find some advice in there.'

'Sure I'll give you some.' Rose says once again trying to stifle a giggle.

'Thanks Rose, I'll swing by the common room later, bye.' I turn around quickly and speed walk out the library. God why was I so nervous! I never get nervous talking about a girl! Urghhhhhh Adira what are you doing to me!



I run into the lunch hall after charms. I have finally processed my realisation from Saturday, I mean sure it's now the Monday of the next week, but still a week and two days and a trip to Madam Pomfrey to check you're not coming down with something is actually quite quick to process you liking who you thought was your arch nemesis.

'Woahhhhh slow down Addy, you nearly made me drop my pumpkin juice on me, and you know how much I hate when that happens.'
I do know - last year someone knocked into Val and they spilled their pumpkin juice all down their new top. Boy did that person regret it, and they were a teacher. They handed in their resignation notice the next day.

'Sorry it's just I've got some kind of important and totally shocking news.'

'Oooo what is it?' Seb asks intrigued.

'Well....ummmm.....IkindalikeJamesPotter.' I say quickly

'What?' They both ask.

I take a deep breath, 'I like James Potter.'

'Oh is that it?' Val questions, 'We already know that.' She then continues eating her sandwich like I didn't say the most shocking thing ever.

'No, I mean I like like him, a lot actually.' I blush, averting eye contact.

'Oh Addy.' Seb says, giving his sweet (although slightly condescending) smile, 'Like Val said, we already know that.'

'What! How! I literally started liking him last Saturday! At the prefect meeting two weeks ago tops!'

'Oh Addy honey, you are so wrong you have liked him for far longer than that.' Val states.

'No I haven't.' I insist, shaking my head vigorously.

'Sorry Addy but you have.' Seb says softly. 'Remember in third year when you were on one of your runs in the rain - '

'Ooo I do love to run in the rain', I sigh.

'I know you do', Seb says chuckling, 'But you slipped and twisted your ankle. Potter saw you after Quidditch practice and carried you to the hospital wing. He stayed with you until we showed up and then quickly left. I could see how disappointed you were he went even though you wouldn't admit it. You've liked him since then Addy.'

I laugh, an awkward one that even I don't believe, 'No I didn't, that's ridiculous I hated him.'

'Ok Addy', Val says softly. 'Anyway now you've finally admitted your feelings, how hot did he look in his Quidditch uniform?' She wiggles her eyebrows.

Seb nods, 'So good, but no way near as good as Fred though.'

I blush and look away.

Both Seb and Val laugh.

I need to get new friends.

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