(22) Time To Be Bold

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It's the next day and I'm still fuming. I pushed the team hard in quidditch practice, especially Harry fucking Thomas, let's just say he'll be far to tired to flirt with my Adira today - no James not your Adira, she was never your Adira.

It's now clear to me that Adira will never feel the same way about me as I do about her, so what am I doing? I'm currently flirting with Hannah Smith right outside the library.

Now I know what you're thinking, James you're only doing this because you know Adira always comes to the library on Tuesdays and you want her to get jealous, but I promise you that's not true.... Ok, maybe it's a bit true.... Alright, alright it is 100% true, I want Adira to see us and get jealous.

It didn't originally start out that way, at first I really wanted to flirt with someone to get Adira off my mind and my brain subconsciously made sure it was someone outside the library. And it quickly became clear to me that the more I flirted with Adira's exact opposite the more I realised I was simply doing this because I wanted to make Adira as jealous as she made me, and that it wasn't as much of a coincidence that I was flirting with Hannah outside the library on a Tuesday as I thought.

God I've never hated flirting with anyone, it's my thing, but I'm certainly hating it now. All I want to do is go and talk to Adira, even if we argue at least I'll get to see her cute face all riled up.

Urghhhhh Adira, my Adira, why can't you like me? The more I look at Hannah the more it makes me realise how much I like her: Adira's short, about a foot smaller than me, so I have to crane my kneck to look at her, Hannah is 5'10 so I don't have to look down much, and I miss that ache I get in my neck. I bet I could dwarf Adira, my hands all over her tiny body, it wouldn't be like that with Hannah. And Adira's lips, God her lips, they're so full and red, like a little bud painted perfectly on her face and I just want to kiss them into oblivion, Hannah's are thin and pale and I most certainly do not want to kiss them. And Adira's legs, fuck her legs, they've been driving me crazy all year. They look so silky and smooth and I just want them wrapped around my waist while I pin her to the wall, sucking on her soft skin, making her beg for more. Hannah's legs aren't bad at all, but they're just not Adiras, Adira has curves I just want mold and squeeze with my hands, Hannah is thinner - someone I'd usually be into - but she's just not my Adira.

Speaking of, I see her round the corner. Hmmmm let's see if I can make my little Adira Rose jealous.



I'm on the way to the library like I do every Tuesday and when I round the corner I see James. God he's so handsome especially in his uniform, with  his shirt tugging on his muscles and his sleeves are rolled up exposing his toned forearms - I just want to feel them pinning me against a wall again.

Wait a minute who's he taking to? Is that Hannah Smith?

Fucking Hannah Smith taking to my James.

Urghhhh I should have know, James like girls like her - tall, skinny, blonde, perfect, in other words, the exact opposite of me.

Why can't he like me, just a little bit?

He tucks a strand behind her ear, urghhhhh why can't he do that to me! I wonder what his hands would feel like on my skin, I bet they're rough and calloused from Quidditch and I bet his hand is bigger than my face.

He leans down and whispers something in her ear and she giggles, she fucking giggles. I remember when he did that to me, the shiver I had that ran up my spine and the goosebumps that formed on my neck.

You know what Adira it's time to be bold. Be a Gryffindor. It's your last year, you'll never see James Potter again, so if you completely humiliate yourself now, so what? Here goes nothing.



I see Adira storm up to us, is she jealous? Oh please tell me she's jealous. She stops right in front of me and stands on her tiptoes so that she can whisper in my ear.

'You know those fantasies you're always taking about having Potter?' Her breath fans my neck, and I feel goosebumps starting to form there, 'What if I told you I had them too. I also imagine you pinning me against the wall, my legs wrapped around your waist, your hands gripping my thighs, whilst sucking my neck, me grinding against your dick so hard you groan, begging for more... have a think about that tonight Potter.'

She then turns to Hannah and pulls her lips into a tight, fake smile, 'Sorry, head boy and girl business, he's all yours'.

She then stalks off.

Shit she's so fucking hot and now I'm so fucking hard.

Urghhhh for fucks sake.

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