(28) I Hate You

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'Why didn't you tell me you love Rose, James? It's not fair that Fred got to know and I didn't'.

It's nearly lunch, and I'm currently walking down the hallway near the Charms classroom when I spot Adira with her friends. I'm about to walk over to her, when I hear someone shout 'James!'

All of a sudden I'm pinned against the wall and someone starts kissing me. I open my eyes to see that, that someone is Hannah Smith.

Shit, shit, shit, Adira is seeing Hannah Smith kiss me! Oh God she's going to think that this kiss means something that it totally does not. Shit, shit, shit.

It takes several tries to push Hannah away, and once I finally do, I turn and see mine and Adira's friends eyes bulging out their heads with their mouths agape. Same guys, same.


'What? I thought we were dating now.'

'WHAT!' Me, Fred, Seb and Valentina all shout.

'YOU'VE GOT THE COMPLETE FUCKING WRONG IDEA, I MEAN YOU CAN'T JUST GO UP TO SOMEONE AND FUCKING KISS THEM! Shit what is Adira going to think?' I run my hands through my hair stressed and annoyed, 'Wait where is Adira?' , I quickly look around but she's nowhere in sight.

'She walked off that way', Valentina says pointing in the direction of the staircase.

I quickly sprint after Adira, until I finally see her, 'ADIRA! ADIRA WAIT!' She just walks faster, until somehow we make it outside, and I'm ashamed to admit it, but a bit out of breath.


'WHAT POTTER!' She turns and looks at me, her eyes angry, hurt - wait a minute, why has this bothered her? Adira dosen't - she can't, no I'm being ridiculous, she doesn't - I guess there's only one way to find out.

'Adira it's not what it looks like.'

'Really, cause it looks like you lied to me about you and Smith. Anyway it doesn't matter, I don't care.'

'It certainly looks like you care. And me and Smith are nothing, she just tackled me in the hall and kissed me, I have absolutely no interest in her, I only have interest in -'

'I don't care who you're interested in Potter! Why should I? We hate each other remember.'

'I thought we were friends?' I question.

'That was just some stupid thing I said while I was tired at a party. You're my enemy and I'm yours, I mean I hate you!'

'No you don't.' I shake my head.

'And how do you know how I feel hmmm?'

'Cause I hope you feel the same way as me.' I say softly.

'I already do, like I said, I hate you.'

'Oh Adira, that is not how I feel about you, far from it.' I shake my head and take a step closer to her, until we're only centimetres apart.
'Adira', I whisper, 'I love you.'

She laughs shaking her head with disbelief, 'No you don't, you hate me.'

'No Adira, I love you, more than I have loved anything in this world, more than I could love anything in any world. You see my love was disguised in many layers of perceived hate, but you over the years have slowly been peeling them away without me even realising it. Maybe the layer weren't even there and I was simply blind. But now I am not. Adira I have never hated you, if anything I have been loving you more and more each and every day, with each witty remark or joke you make, each time you make me flustered and unsure how to reply because you're just too smart for your own good. I love you more and more since the very first time I saw you in the crowd when I was boarding the Hogwarts Express. Love isn't even a strong enough word to describe how I feel about you. No word, no language, nothing is good enough to express how truly and deeply I feel about you Adira. But sadly no word for how I feel has been discovered yet, so for now love will have to suffice. But I promise I will spend forever trying to find a word worthy for how I feel about you, because that is what you deserve Adira. My sweet, sweet Adira. You do not deserve my love, but so much more, if only you'll let me.'

She laughs again, tears now streaming down her face, but they are not ones of sadness, no, they come with her big, beautiful, irresistible smile, showing off that gap I love oh so much.

'Please Adira', I plead, 'Let me kiss you.'

'Well I have one question first', she takes a step closer smirking, 'Do you want to be my first kiss?'

I let out a sigh of relief, 'More than anything'.

'Well then - '

And with that her mouth crashes onto to mine and it is the best feeling I have ever felt. I have kissed a lot of girls in my life, but nothing compares to this. I wish I could go back and undo them all, so that this is the only kiss I've ever known - one that both grounds me and makes me dizzy.

She pulls away, beaming, and whispers against my lips 'God I hate you'.

'No you don't', I whisper back, smiling as well.

She subtly shakes her head - if I hadn't have been so close I wouldn't have seen it. 'No I don't. I love you James Sirius Potter, you obnoxious arsehole, I love you so much.'

We both laugh. 'And I love you too Adira Rose, you smartass.'

And with that our lips meet once again and it's like the stars have finally been aligned, fate has come true, as when me and Adira are together nothing else matters, the world melts away and we can just be. James and Adira, Adira and James. How could I have been so stupid.



'I told you my plan would work.' Fred says to Valentiana, Leo and Seb.

Valentina scoffs, 'You got lucky.'

Fred shrugs, 'Maybe, but it still worked. Also how come you gave Leo antlers?'

'Oh well that's a story I'll happily tell.'

'Oh God please don't remind me.' Leo groans rubbing his head.

They all burst out laughing, but Adira and James, well to keep it PG, lets just say they are completely oblivious to it all.

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