(7) I Absolutely Loathe You

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It's my first time running the prefects meetings as head girl and guess who's late? Yep, the head boy. God can he never do anything right! The prefects are getting annoyed, this was supposed to be a quick first meeting - they come in, we decide who's doing rounds together at night, then we leave. But fucking James 'I can do what I want' Potter is making this meeting go on for way longer then it needs to.

The door suddenly opens with a slam, causing me and everyone else to jump, does he really have to be so dramatic?

'Hello fellow prefects, sorry I'm late, I was busy pulling a prank on our wonderful headmistress Minnie.' Everyone laughs, I glare. He is just so full of himself, Mr 'everyone loves me' Potter. Well guess what Potter I don't love you, no I absolutely loathe you, and I have never been so sure of it until this very moment.

'Potter nice of you to finally join us.' I say through gritted teeth. I'll kill him later.

'My pleasure Ms Rose.' I roll my eyes.

'Right so today, we are going to be deciding who goes with who in the prefect rounds, so I'm going to pass round a piece of paper and you simply put your names on it and who you want to pair up with, ok?'

They all nod their heads.

'Potter a word outside please.'



As soon as we leave the classroom she snaps.

'For Gods sake Potter can you never do anything right in your life! You are fucking head boy, the least you could do is be on time to the meetings!'

'It's just a meeting Rose nothing dramatic, you could easily start it without me.'

'You know I'm not allowed to do that.'

'Come on Rose, break a rule, live a little.'

'The only reason you want me to 'live a little' is so that you can slack off.'

She's not wrong. 'So what?'

'For fucks sake Potter! Unlike you, I actually care about this position and want to do well in it, really well in fact, and I can't do that if you keep slacking off. Why can't you care about something other than your stupid pranks for once in your stupid fucking life?'

'Woah, woah, woah, one' I hold up my index finger, 'You can insult me all you like but don't you dare insult my pranks, and two', I hold up a second finger, 'I do care Rose, I really do, but it was just one time and just because I care does not mean that I have to take it so seriously. So what I was a few minuets late! It didn't cause any harm, did it? You need to stop being so fucking uptight.' I let out an irritated sigh, 'God no wonder you've never dated anyone, who would want someone as controlling as you, I bet that's why your Mum and Dad are no longer together, is she a bitch like you?'

I hear her gasp. Shit. I shouldn't of said that, even I know that was well out of order.

'You can insult me all you want Potter', she takes a step closer and jabs  her finger against my chest, her voice a venomous hiss, 'You can call me controlling, a bitch. But don't you dare insult my mum!' She jabs her finger again, 'If you ever, and I mean ever, do it again I will kill you so slowly and painfully you will be begging for the sweet release of death.'

Before I can even apologise she turns around and storms back into the room.



You see why I hate him so much, he was the one who was late, he's the problem here, not me. And boys have wanted to date me I just haven't wanted to date them. Urghhhhh, why do I let him bother me so much!

'Adira', one of the prefect says.

'What?' I snap,
'Sorry, sorry, I'm just a bit stressed. Yes?' I say softer.

'Ummm we've sorted out our partners for the prefect rounds'

'Oh great.' I sigh in relief.

'Yeah umm the only problem is that you're with James.'

Oh for fucks sakes.

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