The Wizard's Visit - Chapter 1

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(A.N. Hey everyone and thank you for choosing to read my story. This is my first Wattpad story. I'm writing after reading A LOT of fics so I thought why not it be about Remus? I'm basically  the same as him cuz' well I'm a chocolate-addicted Bookworm. My uploading schedule is gonna be once a week but not now cuz of my exams. So I'm gonna stop rambling and start writing. [ I apologize if this is dumb cuz ma brain don't work at 3 a.m.] P.S. I'm writing everything like it is in the books.)

Y/N's P.O.V

I was in my room studying for my upcoming class test. After about an hour I banged my head on my study table in defeat as the stress of sixth grade reached my head.

"Why?"  I sighed and went back to my work grudgingly.

I was pretty normal. Well, except for the fact that I was a werewolf... I was bitten by one when I was five and ever since had been distant and pretty much a loner. 

My personality was rather quiet and reserved. I was an introverted person who very much loved to read. I was always found eating chocolate or any other sweets. 

After I'd done my work I laid down on my bed and started to read. But then suddenly a large brown owl swooped through my open window and dropped something that I assumed was a dead animal.

I panicked and shooed the owl out of my room. I closed my window and shut the shutters.I looked back at the thing the owl had dropped and noticed that it wasn't an animal at all. 

It was a letter. It had a large purple seal on it with four animals surrounding a golden H. A lion, a badger, an eagle and a snake. I turned it around and noticed long, green writing on the back.


Y/A/N (Your address name)

I was very confused about everything that was in the letter. All that I could grasp was that these people were inviting me to a school of magic. Magic? I was shaken out of my thoughts when I heard my mother call me downstairs.

"Y/N dear, come downstairs!" she called.

"Coming mum!" I replied and slowly made my way down the stairs.

I walked downstairs still contemplating the letter but stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a tall man with long silver hair, something that looked like a stick in his hand and strange clothing. My parents nodded to the man and left the room.

"Wait! Mom! Dad! Where are you going?!" I called but no reply came. I hung my head low afraid to make eye contact and faced the man.

"Ah yes! You must be Y/N." The man smiled.

I was extremely confused on who the old man was and how he knew my name.

"Umm... I'm sorry but who are you?" I asked.

"My name is Albus Dumbledore but you may call me Professor Dumbledore."

"I'm Y/N L/N." I said politely

"Oh I know" he said as his blue eyes twinkled. "Now Y/N, Is it okay if I call you that?"

"Y-yes." I stuttered.

"Alright, so you must be wondering what it was in that letter that you received a few minutes ago." he said knowingly.

"H-how did you-" I said surprised.

"I am the one who sent it of course" he said smiling calmly "In that letter I was inviting you to my school. It is known as-" he explained.

"Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." I cut off.

"Ah I see you have read the letter. Now you must be confused as to what it meant. Well to put it simply my dear... Magic is real and you are a witch." he said very vaguely.

A thousand thoughts flew through my head as he said this, and even more questions. Still, I stayed silent and nodded to whatever he said.

"But our magic" he continued "Is not saying 'Abracadabra' and pulling bunnies out of hats, it is real and very powerful magic. Like so." He waved his wand and suddenly a comfortable armchair, a small table and a plate of biscuits appeared out of nowhere.

"Take a seat." He smiled and I slowly and hesitantly sit down on the chair and started munching on one of the (surprisingly delicious) biscuits.

"Now I know this might be very confusing but we would like to ask you to join us here at Hogwarts." he said gently.

I was now having a mental conflict with myself on whether or not I should go. My reasoning told me that this was crazy and maybe a prank but I did see the magic and it would be very intriguing to go.

"So what do you say?" Dumbledore asked again.

I opened my mouth to say yes but clamped it shut when suddenly, painfully I remembered what I was. I couldn't hurt more people. I couldn't go...

"I can't." I said heavy-heartedly.

"But why?" asked a confused Dumbledore.

"I-I'm a monster." I said hiding my face.

I briefly noticed a knowing look wash across his face. "My dear." he smiled. "I know what you are but how should that change my opinion of you after I have really gotten to know you?"

"Because I could hurt you." I sniffled.

"You didn't listen." he smiled

"What do you mean?" I asked baffled.

"I said after I had gotten to know you. You may be a werewolf but that won't change my opinion of you. You know why?" he asked.

I shook my head.

"Because under the werewolf and the scars is a sweet, kind and brave person, if people can't see that then they're to blame, not you." he said kindly.

"But what if everyone hates me?" I asked. I didn't have many friends since I was afraid they would find out I was a freak...

"Then we'll keep it a secret." he winked "Don't worry Y/N, I'm sure you will find friends at Hogwarts who will stick with you through thick and thin." He smiled reassuringly.

"Are you sure?" I asked hesitatingly.

"Yes my dear." he said still smiling.

"Then, I'll give it a try..." I said giving him a half smile.

"Excellent! All the details of what you need to do are in your letter and I hope I'll see you soon." he said. And then he winked at you once again and disappeared.

I then excitedly told my parents everything and they agreed to let me go to Hogwarts. Now all I had to do, was wait for September 1st.

(A.N. Sorry if the chapter was short I'm gonna write the second chapter longer. Please don't forget to vote cause I want some attention. BYE! I'll upload next week)

Twinning Scars - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now