Goodbye Sweet Castle... - Chapter 59

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This was it, The Marauders' last day at Hogwarts.

After the party and the proposal the night before, the day had come where in the previous years the Marauders would've been joyous to go home and see their families, but for most of them, Hogwarts was their home and family.

The Marauders and the girls were all dragging their feet along the halls for breakfast with gloomy faces and glassy eyes.

Right now Y/N was grateful she made time to spend with Remus simply to walk the halls. Today she felt her heart would shatter if she forgot even one inch of the castle's detail.

After breakfast, Y/N used the invisibility cloak to make a quick trip to Filch's office to rejuvenate the Marauders' Map's power just in case Hogwarts' future pranksters took a while.

The nine Gryffindors set up a blanket on the grounds and got lost in their individual thoughts and memories feeling more and more heavy-hearted as the seconds ticked by to the morning they'd have to say goodbye to their home.

"Did you guys ever imagine what today would be like?" asked Sirius with his eyes on the clouds and their fluffy anatomy.

"Yeah." sighed the majority who were paying attention.

"I never imagined it would be this sad. I always thought that we would be, y'know happy to leave homework and detentions and well...Hogwarts." said Y/N truthfully.

Though she had never noticed in her previous years, she felt every depressed seventh year on the last day of school came here to contemplate on their thoughts. There were crying students as well as some who were so joyous they threw their books into the murky waters of the sparkling Black Lake.

She was startled out of her thoughts when Remus put his arm around her shoulder, to which she quickly warmed up to.

They were continuing with their out of character behaviour until they heard a shrill yet gentle voice clear her throat.

"Potter, Black, Pettigrew, Lupin and L/N. Follow me." said McGonagall, stiff yet excited.

The five gave each other scared looks before scampering after the professor.

"I thought the plan said we wouldn't get in trouble on the last day!" whisper-shouted Y/N.

"Well maybe the plan failed Fang!" said James looking scared enough to piss himself.

McGonagall led them to her office and closed her door ominously though her expressions did not match her manner.

"W-why-" said Sirius with a breaking voice out of fear before clearing his throat and starting his sentence again. "Why did you bring us here Professor?"

The Professor said nothing and headed to her closet and started rummaging through a small drawer before pulling out several objects of different shapes and sizes which were quite big to fit in a drawer of that size. Y/N was confused before she quickly concluded she must've used an Undetectable-Extension Charm.

She smiled warmly before handing each Marauder their individual gifts and waiting excitedly for their reactions. This was quite different behaviour for the tall witch yet the Marauders found it kindly.

James went first due to his impulsive behaviour and smiled bright as day when he saw the gift. It was simple yet it spoke so much. It was the Golden Snitch he thought he got away with stealing everyday.

Sirius gave a side smile to his friend before deciding to open his present. He had two in one to be fair. A pair of silver earrings and a hair-tie. He gave out a chuckle at the hair-tie and it's designed exterior.

"To keep those long locks of your in place." joked McGonagall with a lump in her throat forming.

Peter excitedly opened his as soon as the sentiment was over to find the most expensive butterbeer at The Three Broomsticks that he longed for for years but could never afford.

He gave McGonagall a small smile with glistening eyes.

Y/N gave Remus a look indicating for him to go next as she wanted to be last to open for purposes of drama.

Remus' gift was the largest of all and as soon as he saw the gift he shot McGonagall a smile that lit up the room itself.

It was a large brown suitcase with the initials R.J Lupin near the locks and handle with a very stealthily placed moon on the inside lining.

Y/N excitedly was about to tear open the bright red wrapping paper before she was stopped by the Professor in the room.

"Now this may not be what you think it will be Y/N. It was a contribution from the Headmaster as well." she said before allowing the H/C headed girl to open her present.

But to Y/N's utter confusion she opened an empty box. She looked inside and around the box before giving McGonagall a pouted look.

"Nothing for your favourite student?" she said slightly depressed yet still joking.

"You don't need anything from anyone." said Mcgonagall giving the girl a motherly smile.

Y/N suddenly ran up to the elderly woman and gave the unsuspecting Professor an affectionate hug. Mcgonagall hugged back just as tight, the two of them letting tears fall as the other four boys joined in.

But Y/N did feel the usually stern woman slip a rectangular object in her robe pocket which she naturally assumed was her favourite bar of chocolate from Honeydukes.


And so the next day came faster than any of them expected. After the sentiment presented by McGonagall and memories forming by the day, they felt s though they were leaving a piece of their hearts behind.

There was crying, hugging and dejection throughout the feelings of every seventh year in the castle. Even the Slytherins showed some feelings.

Y/N and Remus, James and Lily and Marlene and Sirius shared a final kiss at Hogwarts before leaving out the giant doors.

And as the Marauders boarded the train to leave at Hogsmeade station and looked out at the glory of Hogwarts castle they smiled remembering their home before leaving.

(A.N. And that is how this book ends ladies and gents. I will be posting the info about the second book and time it will release soon. Bye lovelies!<3)

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