Geniuses - Chapter 52

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Y/N's P.O.V

It had been more than 2 months since school started and the whole Jily ordeal. Yes we did make a couple name for James and Lily.

I was currently slaving away at the boys' dorms, gnawing my brain to focus on studying all four of the assigned Charms books. Remus had joined my suffering but the other boys chose to sit around.

"You boys know we have N.E.W.T's this year right?" I said not looking up from the wand movements of the Lumos Solem spell.

"Yeah but we're so tired!" Sirius whined.

"That's no excuse! These exams decide our futures!" he said getting more stressed by the minute.

"We just need a brain-break." James sighed.

"And how long could that be? You lot have been lounging about for almost 30 minutes now!" I said pointing at the clock in the dorms.

"I know how long." Peter said as all the others grew smirks.

"So? How long then?" Remus asked cluelessly.

"Enough to maybe just do a really small prank?" Sirius squeaked.

"Really guys?" I asked folding my arms and giving them a pointed look.

"Whaaaat? It's been almost 2 weeks!" James groaned.

"Please?" Peter pleaded while trying to make doe eyes like rest of them currently were.

"Why do I even try?" I whispered to myself, pinching the bridge of my nose. "Okay...what's the plan?" I asked giving in.

"Yes! What about you Moons? You in?" James asked.

"Why not?" Remus sighed.

"So Hufflepuffs are sweet right?" Sirius said growing a devilish smirk.


And just like that, We were all once again struggling to fit under the invisibility cloak in the pitch black darkness of the Hogwarts corridors.

"Ow! Peter! That's my foot!" Sirius hissed.

"Remus you're pulling my hair!" Peter said reaching for his scalp.

"Watch it Sirius that's my glasses!" James glared.

"Elbow in the ribs Y/N!" Remus wheezed.

"That's my skirt James!" I said pulling my uniform down further.

"Face it James. We can't all fit under this cloak anymore! We're too tall!" Remus said struggling to bend down further.

"Just roll with it for tonight guys." said James.

"How? We're five 17 year-olds under one cloak!" I glared.

"Shh! We're here!" Sirius said pointing to the Portrait of Helga Hufflepuff and two barrels.

 We had managed to sweet-talk two Hufflepuffs into telling us where to get into the Hufflepuff dorms. But there was one...complication...

"Guys! We don't know how to get in!" I said in a moment of realisation.

"I overheard a few Hufflepuffs at breakfast talking about tapping the barrels once." Remus said thoughtfully.

"I'll try it then." Sirius said shoving his way through to the front of the cloak.

He tapped both barrels in a random order for a minute before he stepped away.

"Nothing hap-" James never had time to finish his sentence before we were doused with a gallon of vinegar.

The force of the spray knocked us all over, revealing us from beneath the silvery invisibility cloak.

"Ew it got in my mouth!" I said childishly sputtering and rubbing my tongue to get the taste out of my mouth.

"I remember now. We had to tap the barrels in the tone 'Helga Hufflepuff' or we would get hit with vinegar and be barred from the entrance." Remus face-palmed.

James tried to get up and try again at the barrels but a magical force pushed him back to the floor.

"He said we would be barred idiot." Sirius said not half as mad at James as he was at his own stupidity.

I was trying to get up myself before I heard a familiar groaning voice.

"Caught red-handed." said the ugly voice of Filch.

All of us froze in our places in terrified anticipation of what Filch was going to do to us.

"You know, if it was up to me, I would have you hanging by my chains right now. But let's take a trip to Ms. Mcgonngall's office shall we?" he said pulling us up by our ears.


Long story short: we have detention for two weeks.

Luckily for I and Remus at least, I had asked Professor Mcgonagall if I could have some books to pass the time and she agreed. I had also managed to sneak in some chocolate.

As for the others, they were still sulking about the fact that we got caught and were never able to execute our plan.

"Ugh! I hate this so much! We had such a good plan!" James whined.

"I wish we were never caught." Peter grumbled.

"I wish we had something to tell us when someone is behind us." Sirius huffed.

Hearing this James shot his head up to look at Sirius. After thinking for a few moments, he had a spark of an idea.

"What if we did." he said vaguely.

"Huh?" asked Sirius.

"What if we did have something to tell us if someone was behind us. Or maybe to see all of Hogwarts." James said still partly in a thinking state.

"That's...actually not a bad idea." I said joining his thought.

"It is possible." said Remus.

"But how would we do that?" Peter asked cluelessly.

Just then, it hit me.

I soundlessly pulled out my giant Charms books that I was studying earlier out of my bag as the boys crowded behind me curiously so as to see what I was doing.

"When I was studying earlier, I found this Charm in the back. Professor Flitwick never taught it so I decided to study it out of curiosity." I said as all the boys gave me confused looks. I swiped my finger along the lines of the last few pages until I finally found it. 

"Here." I pointed. "The Homunculus Charm. It is a powerful and advanced charm that can enchant anything to track the movements of anyone in said charmed building and can be locked and unlocked with a given password. If anyone tries to unlock the object without a password, customizable measures can be taken." I read out loud.

"This is ingenious! We can use this to create our own map!" Sirius exclaimed.

"But this will take a lot of work guys. And not to mention we still need to keep studying for our N.E.W.T's." Remus pointed out.

"Oh quit being such a worrywart Moony! We can totally do this!" James said acting more and more like himself in the previous years.

"Yeah come on!" Peter encouraged.

"Alright then. Let's do this."

(A.N. Aaaand I'm done. I can't tell you the absolute AMOUNT of times I re-wrote this chapter smh but I'm pretty satisfied with this ending. Also you're probably thinking "How in the heckerooni did 4 [ehem 5 lol] teenagers create a map strong enough to cheat Death's cloak?!" Well the answer is: Sirius Black doesn't like rules, James Potter thinks he can do anything, Remus [and Y/N lol] are geniuses and Peter brings them snacks and encouragement.)

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