Summer at the Potter's - Chapter 7

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Y/N's P.O.V

The rest of first year flew by and before we knew it, we were back on the Hogwarts express.

Ever since the rest of the boys found out about my and Remus' lycanthropy they started asking questions day and night. That was also the main topic of the conversation we were having on the train.

"Does it hurt?" Sirius asked.

Remus looked away clearly feeling uncomfortable so I decided to answer.

"Yeah it does..." I replied with my head low.

"How much?" Peter asked next.

"Imagine every bone in your body breaking at the same time..." I said truthfully, now starting to feel a little uncomfortable too.

"Oh..." James said wincing.

"It's alright then so let's change the topic to something less serious." I exclaimed suddenly. I just wanted to get out of this topic as soon as possible.

"You were talking about me?" Sirius asked with a teasing grin. (A.N. You knew I had to lmao)

Remus smacked him in the back of the head with his book. "If you make that joke one more time I swear!" he threatened with a hint of playfulness evident in his voice.

"Alright sheesh..." Sirius said rubbing the spot Remus just hit.

After a while of peaceful silence James suddenly gasped loudly making everyone jump. I could practically see a light bulb above his head.

"I have an amazing idea!" James exclaimed loudly.

"What is it that you had to interrupt my reading and silence?" I asked annoyed. It was very rare living with the Marauders.

"You guys could stay at my house this summer!" James said grinning proudly.

"That is amazing Jamsie! I would love to stay at your place!" Sirius said referring to his family issues.

"Don't you have to ask your parents first?" I asked calculatingly.

"Thanks for bringing down the mood." Sirius mumbled as he sat back down.

"I could ask them at the station." James suggested.

"Alright fine! But I have to ask my parents." I said giving up.

"Same." said Remus and Peter.

After more conversation (and a lot of sweets from the trolley witch) the Hogwarts express came to a halt and slowly everyone packed and got off the train.

"Mum! Dad! Y/B/N!" I said running to my parents and brother. (A.N. Y/B/N is your brother's name).

"Y/N!" they exclaimed holding out their arms to hug their daughter and sister.

"I missed you guys." I said after we broke apart.

"We missed you too sis!" Y/B/N exclaimed.

"Mum, Dad, I was wondering if I could go to my friend's house over the summer?" I asked as politely as I could.

"But darling! You just came back to us!" my mother said missing her daughter.

"Please?" I begged.

"Fine...But only if you come back home for Christmas!" your father bet.

"Deal!" I said and hugged them all one last time.


*Time skip brought to you by Roonil Wazlib*

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