(A.N. Hello readers! I'm sorry in advance if this chapter's cruddy cuz I really didn't have a lot of ideas and I still wanted to deliver for you guys. Hope you like another chaotic chapter! Bye!)
Third Person P.O.V
Halloween was here at Hogwarts for the second year. Last year everyone wasn't able to enjoy it that much because it was new.
It was a full moon and the boys got lost in the corridors last year. So Halloween was basically ruined.
But this year the Marauders were determined to make this Halloween their first [successful] Halloween at Hogwarts.
Everyone was coming out of separate rooms to show each other their costumes. They all got out and posed dramatically, but when they saw each other they all burst out laughing and rushed to the mirror.
James was dressed up as Dumbledore, Sirius was dressed up as "Y/N and Remus" [a.k.a a werewolf], Remus was dressed up as a vampire, Y/N was dressed up as an alien and Peter was dressed as a sheet ghost. (A.N. See the chapter image.)
"I LOVE HALLOWEEN!" James said impulsively after everyone had calmed down.
"Yeah! The candy, the decorations, the feast!" Peter exclaimed.
"But best of all...THE SCARES!" Y/N spooked behind Remus' cloak.
"You bet! Scary ghouls, vampires and werewolves." Sirius slipped.
At this Y/N and Remus visibly deflated. The worst thing they felt was when people were afraid of them or other innocent people like them.
"I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Sirius stuttered.
"It's alright Sirius..." Remus cut off mustering a smile.
Y/N was pretty nice...but she didn't want a ruined Halloween so she went up to Sirius and did her favorite thing to piss him off. She whacked him in the back of the head with her alien hand.
Sirius squirmed and twirled around for a moment like he was going to explode but then suddenly was calm. He walked over to his bed, laid face-down and screamed hysterically into his pillow.
Sirius walked back, took a deep breath and said "Okay! Let's get this Halloween started!"
When they were in the corridors heading to the feast when the boys just suddenly stopped.
"What's wrong?" Y/N asked turning around.
"Nothing! You go ahead! We'll catch up!" Sirius said rather loudly.
"Alright... I'm gonna go hang out with the girls now. Don't be too late!" Y/N said raising an eyebrow and leaving
"Operation 5-4-8-9 is a go!" James said.
"Wha?" Peter asked.
"He means Operation 'Scare Y/N'." Remus rolled his eyes. "I'm telling you guys! This is impossible! I've tried..." he mumbled the last part.
"I kinda agree with Remus on this one guys, I mean, the woman is practically a scare herself!" Sirius said thoughtfully.
"We can still try!" James said determinedly.
"Fine...What's the plan?" Remus gave up.
They tried every Halloween prank they could think of. They tried scary writing on mirrors near her, they tried the fake spider trick, they tried jump-scaring her, they even tried the popping cake trick, but nothing worked on Y/N.

Twinning Scars - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]
FantasyIt's impossible for Remus Lupin to fall in love right? Wrong. So what happens when he falls in love with a beautiful girl exactly like him? They even share their scars... ***** Welcome to the ✨shit show✨! Here's a story that does not at all capture...