Truth or Dare - Chapter 4

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(A.N. Hey guys! I'm back with another chapter. Thanks for all the reads till now. Hope you like this one. Also there is A LOT of slow-burn. Sorry not sorry!)

Y/N's P.O.V

I was having a ball of a time at Hogwarts. It had been a few weeks since the Sorting and I found her magical studies much more interesting and enjoyable than my boring muggle studies. (A.N. For real tho...)

I was always at the top of my class. Well...almost always. The position kept changing between me and Remus. We didn't fight over it though.

Meanwhile the boys were already becoming the infamous Hogwarts pranksters. It included I and Remus most of the time, but somehow we always found a way to seem innocent whenever a Professor caught them. We have our secrets...

We even now had a name for ourselves: The Marauders.

One evening the boys were going to get me from the girls dorms to help plan their latest prank but then slipped when the stairs turned into a huge slide.

"Ow!" Sirius groaned.

"Oh hey guys! What's wrong?" I asked coming down the stairs.

"We were trying to get you from your dorms and stairs turned into a slide!" James complained getting up.

I burst into laughter. They obviously didn't know about the protection spell and it was even funnier when they gave me identical confused looks.

"It's protection - so that - boys - don't get - in!" I said between laughs.

"Ha ha! Very funny." Sirius said sarcastically.

"I know it's hilarious!" I said grinning.

"I was being sarcastic!" Sirius snapped.

"And I was being annoying!" I retorted.

"Okay! Okay! Break it up!" Remus said coming between them.

I smiled gratefully at Remus which he returned seconds later.

 "Okay now why did you guys need me?" I asked.

"Oh yeah!" said James "We wanted your help in pranking Snivellus."

"What beef do you guys have against Snape anyway?" I said getting sick of pranking the same person for the hundredth time.

"He's just an annoying git." James mumbled.

"Also he hangs out with Lily Evans...James' crush." Sirius snickered in my ear.

"Oh..." I said realizing James' jealousy.

"Okay maybe that's the reason but he's still a git!" James shouted with a red face.

"Yeah I guess so..." I said slowly.

"Great! then let's go prepare the prank!" James said enthusiastically.

"So I was thinking" Sirius said after they had gone to the Marauder boys dorms "We put magic resistant dye in his shampoo bottle!"

"If he even has one." I whispered in Remus' ear while he snickered.

"Great idea! So does anyone have any?" James asked.

"No, but I can add some ingredients to regular dye." I said after thinking.

"Awesome! So when will it be finished?" Sirius asked jumping up and down.

"About a week..." I said calculating.

"A WEEK?!" the boys asked incredulously.

"Well yes, but it could go faster if I had some help." I said quietly not wanting another 'reaction'.

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