(A.N. The beginning of the chapter is a little fuzzy. Also sorry for the long wait.)
Third Person P.O.V
As Y/N walked down the cavernous hallways of Hogwarts after attending to her new secret plan to deal with a new vexing feeling that she had been experiencing time and again recently.
The feeling of loneliness.
Sure she had her friends and her family on the holidays, but she felt like something was missing. So today was the long awaited day in which she finally righted the wrong. And she didn't know exactly how to engineered that desire into a reality.
She continued pacing through the halls and up and down the deranged moving staircases on her way to the Great Hall for lunch. She was haphazardly stuffing her books into her sachet until she bumped into her sandy-haired friend.
"Oh sorry." apologised the H/C haired girl before helping the other lycanthrope to his feet.
"It's alright N/N." said Remus before accepting Y/N's helping hand.
"So...Divination end early?" said Y/N in an attempt of conversation.
"Yeah. Some Hufflepuff girl started crying because Trelawney predicted her 'death' again. She wanted to owl her parents because she actually believed that rubbish." said Remus rolling his amber eyes.
"Regular Friday then?" joked Y/N raising an amused brow.
"Yep." said the freckled boy before the two burst into a fit of girlish giggles.
The conversing two made their way through the Hall and sat down next to their friends. The two kept chattering until Sirius snapped in front of their faces pausing the blathering bookworms.
"Hey Fang! What took you so long? I heard Care of Magical Creatures stopped halfway through because a Red Cap almost decapitated Kettleburn." Sirius said with some amusement in his voice.
"I headed to the library later to keep up on my studies because the class was over." Y/N nodded.
"You two are so goody-goody." snorted James with no hurtful intent. "How did we even accept two book-obsessed moon men into our wicked group Pads?"
"Maybe it's because none of our plans would ever work without these wankers." Sirius said giving the two lycanthropes a back-handed compliment.
Hmm. Why's Sirius defending us today? thought Y/N skeptically. Usually the long-haired boy would join his best-friend in a harmless chaff.
"Never mind that!" Peter said directing the attention away from the previous topic. " Are we joining you and Moony tonight for the...transformation?" asked the blonde boy excited to turn into his Animagus form once more.
"I suppose..." said a doubtful Remus. Truth be told his stomach still churned everytime someone other than another werewolf was next to him during his transformations.
"Yes!" exclaimed Sirius eager to turn into his Animagus too.
The Marauders skipped through the rest of the day normally. Well...as normally as it gets when you're with two werewolves on a full moon. The three boys meanwhile continued to make the best of their last year at Hogwarts and continuing on their burdensome task of working on the Marauders' Map while preparing for the night's transformation, occasionally stopping for the two drained werewolves on their tail.
When the more laborious half of their tasks was finally crowned, they headed down to the library to complete their back-breaking N.E.W.T homework and were also joined by Lily Evans on their quest for knowledge.

Twinning Scars - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]
FantasyIt's impossible for Remus Lupin to fall in love right? Wrong. So what happens when he falls in love with a beautiful girl exactly like him? They even share their scars... ***** Welcome to the ✨shit show✨! Here's a story that does not at all capture...