An Awful Party and Great Friends - Chapter 8

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(A.N. Sorry if this chapter's a bit cruddy I didn't really have a ton of ideas.)

Y/N's P.O.V

Two hours before the party I was a nervous wreck. I was pacing in my room and panicking about how I would be treated at the party because of my blood-status. But I couldn't deny the Potter's generous offer, especially after everything they had already done for me.

"Y/N? Are you okay?" Remus asked as he walked in on me pacing and sweating.

"No Remus I'm not okay! I'm panicking!" I then ranted on about all my worries of the party and how I didn't want to say no to the Potter's.= and more! Much, much more...

"Hey! Hey! Look Y/N if you really want to go, then go but stop worrying. Trust me. Take a few deep breaths." Remus calmed.

I breathed deeply. "Thanks for listening to me Remus. You're a great friend." I smiled and hugged him.

"Now I think I'll go to get ready." Remus said looking happier. 

I then put on my dress, curled my hair a little into waves and decided to leave it at that for tonight. I had also put on a little makeup borrowed from Mrs. Potter to hide my scars. I put on some concealer and light brown lipstick.

When I was walking down the stairs I felt like the Disney princesses on TV that I watched when I was little. 

Remus' P.O.V

I and the boys were waiting for Y/N to come downstairs. While we were waiting I noticed Y/N finally walk down the stairs. As she was walking I noticed all the boys' eyes grow wide. I'm pretty sure I was looking the same so I quickly fixed my face.

"Hello my beautiful friend." Sirius said bowing overdramatically. (A.N. Sirius does not like you. He's just goofy.)  

As Sirius did this I couldn't help but feel a tad bit jealous.

"You boys have to stop doing that." Y/N laughed pushing Sirius away.

I had hidden my scars under a light layer of makeup too. Even though this had started pretty well... I had a bad feeling about tonight...

Y/N's P.O.V

We took the Potter's enchanted car to Malfoy Manor and Mr. Potter decided to give us a little pep-talk in front of the door.

"Now kids. Today I want you all to be on your best behavior. The Malfoys can be...testy." Fleamont said trying to be polite.

"If by testy you mean gits..." James mumbled.

"James!" Euphemia scolded.

"We've seen Lucius Malfoy at school Mrs. Potter! They really are gits..." Sirius said defensively.

"The boys have a point..." Fleamont mumbled.

"You too Fleamont? Ugh let's just go inside." Euphemia groaned. I let out a snort but quickly composed myself when I heard the door open.

When we heard the door open we were greeted by a little house elf who opened the gates. "Hello Potters and friends." he greeted kindly.

"Dobby! What have I told you about talking to the guests? My apologies. Oh hello Fleamont, Euphemia and you too children." Abraxas Malfoy said with a fake and ugly smile.

"Sorry Master Malfoy." Dobby bowed and scurried off. (A.N. Dobby was with the Malfoys for a really long time. Trust me.)    

I felt bad for the little house-elf and angry at Abraxas for treating him that way. I've already heard enough bad things about the Malfoys and I hope that the rumors weren't confirmed in front of us.

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