Prefect - Chapter 35

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Y/N's P.O.V

And just like that I was on the train ride back to hogwarts for my fifth year. I can't believe that four years of this amazing journey were already over.

I peered anxiously along the narrow hallway of the train to try to find the compartment my friends. It was rather easy, all I had to do was follow the noise.

I slid open the door to behold an interesting, as always, sight. James was once again flirting with an uncomfortable Lily who was standing in front of Remus holding something sparkling in her clamped fist.

Sirius was smoking a cigarette, which I had never seen him do, and Peter was watching Sirius with a sort of admiration on his face.

"Okay what did I miss?" I said loudly as I entered the compartment. They had spent the summer together and I hadn't been able to come with as I was visiting my grandma this summer.

"Nothing. Just that Sirius is a 'bad boy' now, James is humbler and I am annoyed." Remus said adding an eye roll.

That explained a lot. Especially Lily's uncomfortable expression instead of her usual annoyed one.

"Wait Y/N?" Remus said realising it's me. He shoved past James and Lily pushing them on top of eachother on a seat causing them to blush furiously red.

He held out his arms as I jumped into them giving him a squeezing hug and a kiss that spoke a thousand words, most of them being 'I missed you'.

"You smell like coffee." I pointed out chuckling.

"I- I spilled some on myself." he chuckled.

"Please get off me Potter." I heard Lily say as I finally acknowledged the situation unfolding in front of me.

"S-sorry." James stuttered as he scrambled to get off the flustered redhead.

I and the other three burst out laughing which caused James to turn a deeper red and Lily to storm out of the compartment.

"You two are so perfect for eachother." I commented pointing at James and then in Lily's direction.

"I just she would see that..." James sighed plopping himself down on the seat.

"She'll come around eventually mate." Sirius said for probably the thousandth time.

"Say, why was she in here anyway?" I asked sitting down myself.

"Okay, so I wanted to tell you this over a letter, but I really wanted to see your face." Remus said cutely. "Ta da!" he said holding out the same red badge I noticed in Lily's hand. It was red, shiny and had the Gryffindor lion on it. It also had the golden writing of 'PREFECT' on it.

" got prefect?" I said disappointedly. Truth be told, I was hoping to get prefect.

"And Lily! Aren't you happy?" he said slowly losing his happy expression.

"Yeah it's know what? Forget it. I'm happy for you love." I said hugging him to hide my expression in his shoulder.

"Thanks love." he said hugging back.

"We get it, you guys are in love." Sirius rolled his eyes while James stared at us with a somewhat jealous expression.

I pulled away and sat down to read.

"Is there something wrong?" Remus asked using his skill of reading everyone.

"I'm fine Remus." I said giving him a fake smile.

"Alright." he said not entirely convinced.

"Okay, I am going to congratulate Lily and talk to the girls. Bye." I said closing my book and escaping the conversation.

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