The First Snow - Chapter 19

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(A.N. Hey guys! So I really didn't have a lot of ideas for this chapter and since every Marauders fanfic I've ever read has snowball fights I thought "why not that". But this one is going to go a little bit into detail. It's not the whole chapter though. Don't worry! )

Y/N's P.O.V

It was a crisp Saturday morning in late November and I had just woken up to the sound of my red-head dorm-mate shrieking in delight. Free alarm...Yay...

"Who died?" I asked drowsily.

"Guys! Guys! Wake up it's snowing!" Lily said excitedly.

Hearing this, all of us rushed to the window to take a peek. And as Lily said, there was at least 5 inches of thick, white snow outside.

"It's beautiful..." Dorcas awed at the snowflakes that were falling and there were murmurs of agreement heard from the others.

We headed down to breakfast and I went to sit with the boys.

"Hey Y/N! Did you see that it's snowing outside?" James said, his enthusiasm matching Lily's. They were soulmates...Whay was Lily so stubborn? Anyway...

"Yeah! First snow of the season!" Peter said.

"I know right? It's beautiful." I smiled.

"Wanna meet at the grounds after breakfast? You can bring the other girls too." Remus suggested.

"Yeah that could be fun." Sirius shrugged.

"Great! Meet you guys there!" I said finishing my food and leaving.

I headed up to the dorms and told the girls about our plan to meet up with the other Marauders.

"No! Absolutely not! I am NOT spending another day with Potter and his squad." Lily fussed for the billionth time.

"Hey!" I said offendedly. "Who said James is in charge?"

"Oh come on Lils! You do this every time and still go with us, so can we skip the drama today?" Marlene said annoyedly.

"Come on Lils! This could be fun! No! This will be fun!" Mary said excitedly.

"Oh fine! But don't think that I'm going to enjoy it!" Lily huffed.

"Suuure..." I smirked. She says that and ends up having a great time as always.

After that we quickly put on our winter clothes and rushed to the grounds. We pushed through the thick snow and reached to where the boys were sitting.

"So what do you guys wanna d-" I said. I was cut off by Sirius hitting me in the back of head with a snowball. Ouch...I just came out of the hospital wing...

"Well it all depends on whether you agree..." James said faking an innocent smile.

"Sounds like fun! We should probably have teams!" Dorcas said enthusiastically.

"Yeah!" Peter agreed.

"You know you could have just said so..." I grumbled brushing off the snow.

"How about we decide teams with rock, paper scissors?" Remus suggested.

"Sure. Y/N and I call teams." James said and he and I played. I won of course.

"Remus." I said.

"Lily." James said.

"Look who're picking their crushes." Sirius teased.

"Shut up!" I and James said red-faced.

"Sirius." I said.

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