Quidditch Champions! - Chapter 31

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Y/N's P.O.V

Today was the final match of fourth year. Today we finally, finally, finally had a chance to win the Quidditch Cup!

It was the match against Slytherin and I was really excited. As usual, Wood made us train like there was no tomorrow but I didn't mind since this match was huge!

I woke up feeling great as ever finally fully recovered from the rough full moon two weeks ago. I jumped up and down on everyone's beds squealing with joy.

"Y/N L/N up at 8 on a Saturday? Am I dreaming?" Lily teased.

"Har-har. The final match is here and I'm just really excited." I said in a high-pitched tone. Excited didn't even begin to describe it.

"We are gonna kick Slytherin's arse!" Marlene said pumping a fist in the air.

"Whoo-hoo..." Mary chanted meekly still half-asleep.

I happily skipped through the day as everyone gave me truly befuddled looks. I was usually someone who keeps to myself but today I was acting extra...'Maraudery' you could say.

I went up to the boys dorms after classes to hopefully see James and Sirius to discuss tactics before the match but instead I was met with the amber eyes of Remus.

"Hello love. What's got you in such a good mood today?" he chuckled.

"We are totally going to win the Quidditch Cup!" I screamed.

"Aren't you usually nervous for these matches?" he asked closing the door.

"I don't know what's gotten into me." I joked.

"Whatever it is, I like it." he said whilst wrapping his arms around my waist and setting his head on my shoulder from the behind. I couldn't help but detect the slightest bit of relief in his voice.

"Okay. Tell me what's wrong." I said knowingly.

"Nothing it's just- I almost lost you two weeks ago because of us and I'm- happy you're not worried." he said cutting himself off.

"Hey. Look at me." I said turning around and gripping both his hands. "We're going to be okay. Remember what I told you at the Hospital Wing? I will keep that promise." I smiled.

He said nothing for 2 minutes. I got slowly worried until he leaned down and gave me a loving kiss. I giggled into it and kissed back.

I heard the slow creak of hinges behind us and immediately jumped back and pretended I was just talking to Remus. He caught on and played along.

"Hey Remus. Can I borrow Y/N? Thanks!" James said wasting no time in pulling me out the door. "What are you doing?! The match is in an hour!" he practically screeched.

"I came in here to get you and Sirius you bloody idiot!" I said already running to the Quidditch lockers.

We reached there and I frantically reached for all my supplies. I dressed up and waited for everyone else while Wood was practically having a heart-attack.

"Okay so first- And then- We will-" Wood hyperventilated. To cut him off Cassandra kissed him. Whoa...

"Thanks Cass." Wood said regaining his composure. Well that took a twist.

"You didn't tell me." I whispered as she settled behind me.

"Didn't have time." she said making excuses as I gave her a phony glare.

We discussed tactics for a long while until the Slytherin team was called out and it was already our turn.

The announcer, Pippa Bridge, called out all the names for the Slytherin team and then finally started calling out Gryffindor.

"Chasers Y/N L/N, James Potter and Gwendolyn Queens!" Pippa called out.

I nervously waddled out of the lockers and out on the field as I heard the cheering of my friends. I chuckled as I saw Lily holding up a sign that said I love that Chaser! which James was definitely going to take full advantage of.

I chuckled as I felt a soft heat rise to my cheeks. Nevertheless, that gave me a bit more confidence as I walked over to the middle of the field.

James followed strutting but I noticed his fast breathing and sweaty face. He was clearly trying to cover up he was just as nervous as everyone else.

"Beaters Sirius Black and Cassandra White!" she called again.

Sirius was trying to keep up his 'handsome playboy' look but was failing miserably as his legs gave way while trying to strut.

I noticed his brother, Regulus, snicker loudly at his expense as the other Slytherins scoffed. As soon as he heard the reaction of the other Slytherins he quickly stopped. He was clearly not at all amused by his brother's fall and just wanted to impress his 'friends'.

I helped Sirius up as I gave a nasty glare towards Regulus. Sirius just hung his head low and waited until the game started.

"Keeper Jason Wood and Seeker George Brach." Pippa finally finished. "Let the match begin!" he said as everyone started cheering for the team they were supporting.

We played really well and I surprisingly wasn't fainting of fright. Who would've thought?

We were at a really uneven score the nail-biting suspense between the two teams got tighter. Gryffindor scored but Slytherin seemed to make up for it. 

We were at 260 while Slytherin was at 410. I started to worry as my breathing became shallow and beads of sweat were forming on my forehead. I was suddenly snapped out of my thoughts when I heard James' loud voice and the gasps of thousands of students.

"Y/N! The Quaffle!" he yelled as I lunged to grab the red ball. I zoomed around swiftly dodging the attacking Slytherin team as I rushed to the hoops.

I shot the ball through the goal as my ears were met with the cheering of hundred Gryffindors. I wondered what all that excitement was for as I turned around to notice none other than George Brach with the snitch firmly grasped in the palm of his hand.

I squealed with joy as I twirled around on my broom. But then I realised half of the cheers were directed at me. I thought for a long moment before realising...I had won the match...

If we had gotten the snitch before I scored then the score would've been even. I can't believe it!

I traveled lower until I hopped off my broom and was met with hugs and pats on the back from all of my team-mates.

A proud Professor Dumbledore gave the trophy to Professor Mcgonnagall who headed over to me. She handed me the trophy as I let out a breath of disbelief.

I rose the trophy high in triumph as the cheering got louder and louder. I gasped loudly as I felt myself rise. I looked down to see that James and Sirius had lifted me on their shoulders as everyone else did too. I kissed the trophy as I laughed.

Once all the energy had died down I managed to slip away into the Quidditch lockers to change. I showered, put on clean clothes and cheerfully headed to the common-rooms where I noticed a loud noise emanating.

I told the Fat Lady the password and got in where the noise got ten times louder. I noticed that James and Sirius had somehow managed to arrange an entire house party in half an hour!

I'm pretty sure that it wasn't only Gryffindor either. There was food, drinks and all sorts of students enjoying themselves to celebrate our house's victory.

I saw Remus in the middle of the dance-floor seemingly looking for someone whom I assumed was me.

I got too caught up in the adrenaline I was feeling and ran over to Remus. I leaped on him wrapping my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. I gave him an energetic kiss as I heard a few loud gasps.

(A.N. Aaaand I'm going to cause you pain and suffering by stopping right there. Find out what happens next in the next chapter. Also I'm probably going to change the name and description to be more fancy so please don't get confused. Hope you like this chapter! Bye!)

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