Y/N's P.O.V
"James, Lily needs us right now. You can take care of Sniv- Snape later." I said from behind the rageful boy.
His expression slowly softened as he turned his head to see I and Sirius of us looking at him concernedly. James let out a long, overdramatic sigh and let Snape down. He threw Snape's wand back at him and didn't raise his wand showing that he didn't want to fight anymore.
I would have expected Snape to take advantage and shoot another dangerous spell, yet he simply stowed his wand in his pocket, picked his books and left with his usual twitchy walk. Maybe he was scared?
We headed in the same direction as the redhead girl knowing that she's up at the girls dorms having nowhere else to go.
I slowly creaked open the door to see Lily all by herself, angrily ripping up papers. I picked up one of the papers and noticed it was a photo of her and Snape as 11 year old's. Probably after the deal with Petunia she told me about.
I stepped away from the front of the door to let James enter first. He entered quietly and carefully, being wary in case Lily decided to do something rash.
He came in front of her and tried to help. He opened his mouth to say something but hesitated multiple times before I rolled my eyes and walked over myself.
"Lily?" I said cautiously.
"What are you doing here?! I thought you were still busy being bullying brats." she said with wide, tearful eyes.
"We're sorry Evans." James said hanging his head low.
"We really are. And we know what we did was wrong, but we had a good reason." I said as the other two boys nodded furiously.
"Go on then." she said trying to push down her cracking voice.
"We um..." James said unable to push out the words.
"We overheard them talking about you and Y/N." Remus said coming through the door.
"And where were YOU when these three were doing stupid things?!" Lily said as all three of us looked away embarrassed.
"I was trying not to get involved with another prank on Snape but things clearly got out of hand." Remus said staring directly at us.
"And what exactly was so bad that you had to torture Severus?!" she said raising her chin higher.
"He- He called you two retarded and disgusting. Cussing at you with his two evil friends." James spat, curling his hands into fists.
Lily looked at us, shocked and unable to speak.
"Did he really?" she asked disbelievingly.
"Trust us Lily. We would never do anything that awful without good reason." I said with my cheeks growing warm at the mention of our mess up.
"Are you okay?" James asked crouching at the side of the bed right next to the depressed redhead.
She suddenly leapt into James unready arms forcing him to topple over. As soon as he realised what was going on, his arms dashed to wrap around the now weeping Lily. I forced myself not to join the hug to let James have his moment.
"You guys- don't- understand." she said between sobs. "He was there for me. Even when Petunia hated me, even when I didn't have any friends. I never imagined he would call me those things." she said partially angry. James rubbed up and down her back soothingly as she continued crying.
"We'll let you guys have your moment." Sirius chuckled quietly before pulling both I and Remus out the door along with him.
We came out to the small platform between the stairs and the door when Sirius dashed out again before we could.
"Now I'll let you guys have your moment." He said chuckling once more and pumping a fist in the air. "Matchmaking level 100." I heard him say quietly.
I rolled my eyes at the boy before turning back to Remus.
"Well...um- I should probably go bet this cleaned." I said touching the wound on my cheek and the drying blood outside it.
"Sure. I'll help...I heard Pomfrey is still helping with sorting out the problem with the Squid." he said rubbing the back of his neck. I remembered that it was his nervous habit. Wonder what made him nervous.
"Okay, let's go." I said leading the way to the Hospital Wing.
We reached the empty room and I knowingly pulled out all the potions and bandages I needed. I put them near the end table of the bed Remus was waiting for me on and sat while he started to tend to my wound.
I hissed in pain as the burning medication swiped against my open wound. At my actions, Remus immediately pulled his hand away.
"Are you okay?" he asked shortly.
"Mm-hmm." I mumbled as I held my cheek.
"I need you to take your hand down if you want me to clean up that cut." he chuckled reaching out with the soaked cotton ball.
"No. It hurts." I said shaking my head from side to side childishly.
"I need to clean it or it's going to get infected." he said trying to pull my hand away.
"Fine." I grumbled putting my hand down. He reached down and gently applied the healing potion so as not to make me jump out again.
For the time he was still cleaning, all I could see was his scarred, freckled face, completely concentrating on that one wound. He looked adorable.
After he noticed me staring, he joined the look resulting in long eye-contact. After a long moment he looked away and stood back up.
"That's going to leave a mark." said Remus flustering to change the subject.
"Another one to add to the collection I guess." I chuckled. He put on the bandage and we left the Hospital Wing with me hoping that Lily was alright.
(A.N. Okay rn you're probably thinking 'Why was James so mean in the last chapter?'. 1. Overprotective boyfriend UwU and 2. I'm making up that he pushed his own ego down so much for Lily this past year that all of the ego and mean just burst out of him because of how angry he was. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter! Bye!)

Twinning Scars - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]
FantasyIt's impossible for Remus Lupin to fall in love right? Wrong. So what happens when he falls in love with a beautiful girl exactly like him? They even share their scars... ***** Welcome to the ✨shit show✨! Here's a story that does not at all capture...