Secrets Revealed - Chapter 32

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Remus' P.O.V

As the party started I looked around for Y/N until I noticed her running over. I held out my arms expecting a congratulations hug or something because our friends were around but instead she lept on me wrapping her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck as she kissed me.

A stepped back in shock but didn't do anything as she climbed off. We heard loud gasps and the voices of many people talking. The records that we had put on stopped and all you could hear was dead silence.

I noticed Y/N look down seemingly realising what she had just done.

"Oh bloody hell!" Sirius shouted. I saw stunned looks on everyone's faces. The silence settled over for a long time until Lily somehow pulled all of us up to me and the boys' dorms.

"Will someone tell me what the hell that was?" she asked looking not as furious as she was interested.

"I uh- Well- You see-" I said stupidly trying to come up with a cover up. But as I was stumbling an answer, Y/N put a hand on my shoulder. I gave her a slight nod knowing what she was going to do next.

Y/N's P.O.V

"Okay..." I exhaled composing myself. "Please don't freak out. ButmeandRemushavebeendatinginsecretforalmostsixmonths." I ranted quickly hoping they didn't understand me.

"You and Remus have been dating in secret for almost six months?!" they repeated. Oh great...

"Maybe?" Remus said in a sheepish manner. 

"Maybe not." I finished. But surprisingly, instead of the reaction I was expecting, the girls (except Mary) came with squeals and hugs. 

"I knew it!" Mary shouted from the back.

"You guys are cute." Peter said quietly.

"This is the reason." I shuddered pushing the girls away as Remus put an arm around my upper body. "I did this because of the reaction of...people." I sighed.

"It's okay N/N. We understand." James said. "I knew you two were in love by the way." he added initiating my eye roll. I noticed Remus had a slight tint on his cheeks so I pecked him on the cheek to cool him down.

"Get this right, we ship you, but don't get gross." Sirius said as I rolled my eyes once more and laughed.


The next day I heard a knock at our dorms and I knew who it was. None of the other Marauders were this polite. I opened the door to see Remus hiding his face behind a bouquet of ruined daisies.

 I opened the door to see Remus hiding his face behind a bouquet of ruined daisies

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"What's this about?" I chuckled.

"Because of yesterday." he said still hiding.

"What are you talking about? Yesterday went great." I said as he came inside.

"Yeah. It was an excuse to get you these." he said looking at them dissappointedly. "I fell and they were ruined- and- yeah..."

"It's okay. They're beautiful." I said giving him a light kiss and taking the flowers.

He threw the flowers onto my dresser as I pat the bed indicating for him to come sit next to me. He took the hint and sat next to me cross-legged in a cute way. I looked over at him shooting him a smile but noticed his slightly worried expression.

"I don't how many conversations I start this way, but tell me what's wrong." I chuckled.

"Do you think it was the right idea? Telling them?" he asked fiddling with his thumbs.

"I mean they were going to find out eventually." I laughed. "Do you?"

"Whatever you want." he said looking up.

He laid me down and climbed on top of me as we shared a passionate kiss. It felt like the kiss went on for an eternity before I heard Marlene's voice from the doorway.

"You know you should really lock the doors if you're gonna do that here." she smirked.

I rolled my eyes and pushed Remus off. He gave me a playful sad look as I laughed.

"Anyway, we should go. The boys are probably looking for us." I said before practically bolting out the door away from that awkward conversation. Why do people only walk in when we're snogging? Aaaand now it's disgusting.

We ran to the dorms laughing and when we reached inside we were met with the smirks of the three boys.

"I swear if you make one more filthy joke-" I said threateningly.

"But it's a good one!" Sirius whined.

"No!" I and Remus said together.

(A.N. Sorry for the short chapter but my brain is an empty bucket. You're welcome. Also I'm not gonna upload for about a week because it holiday time. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Bye!)

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