Y/N's P.O.V
It had been about a week since the Amortentia ordeal. And now that I think about it...those might have not been just my favourite things after all.
Anyway, today was our first Quidditch practice and tryouts date of the year. Since Cassandra, George and Jason had their seventh year last year and had graduated already.
All of us were lounging in the common-room until an overexcited James burst through the portrait hole jumping about with nervous energy channeling through him.
"If you need to pee the bathroom's upstairs." I joked sarcastically.
"I just found out that Minnie is taking the tryouts for new team captain! Tomorrow!" James said excitedly.
"What what?! Finally!" I said joining the exciting aura James created.
"And do you think you'll win Potter?" Lily asked testingly. She had been testing James' newly deflated ego a lot recently. I don't blame her. It was always the one thing she would change about him.
"Win. Don't win. I don't know. But I do hope I will." he said calmly.
"Hmm..." Lily mumbled with a sort of internal disbelief.
"Good luck by the way Marlene." said Peter.
"Good luck for what?" I asked sitting back down.
"Oh. I'm going to try out for Beater." I said with a relatively calm expression.
"What?!" I asked incredulously.
"Yeah." Remus shrugged.
"You told the boys and not me?! This is such exciting news! Your the next perfect person after Cass!" I said jumping around once more.
"I tried to tell you but you always had something to do. So I just thought I'd tell you later." she shrugged. I was pretty busy this month so her reason seemed plausible.
It was now the next day and I was greatly anticipating the tryouts. I didn't have to try-out again because I was already on the team and didn't want to be captain. But I did want to see the new kids try.
I headed to the stands wearing my comfortable clothes and waited for the new positions to be filled so James could do his tryout for captain.
After all the new kids and Marlene had tried out it was James turn. I couldn't hear them but I'm sure she asked him some questions about leadership and what his goals were.
He then performed better than his own tryouts and I saw a small proud smile spread across Minnie's face. Aw. I knew she loved us.
After James, Marlene and everyone else had given their performances, Minnie let everyone go to the Quidditch locker room to freshen up before she would announce the time she would post the results.
We all rushed to give the two of our friends a hug. I noticed in the hug that Lily was specifically around James and neither of them noticed so I kept in my laughter and hinted at the three people in front of them to slowly shift away until only those two were left.
"Okay I think that's enough hugging gu-" James started. But he was interrupted by his own hitching breath when he noticed Lily.
Hearing his change in tone Lily burst open her almond eyes in surprise. When she noticed the situation they were in, she let go and turned away blushing.
"S-sorry." she stuttered.
"Don't worry Evans. I bet the both of you liked that." Sirius joked as I nudged him in the ribs with my elbow.
Lily gave him a glare and turned away embarrassed. An awkward silence settled over the room for a good long while until Mcgonnagall barged through the door.
"The results, as usual, will be posted on the noticeboard in the common-room at 2 p.m. All of you did very well but only few will be selected. Please do not take anything to heart. Good luck." she said and left with her cloak sweeping behind her.
"I bet you two are getting into the team." Dorcas encouraged.
"Obviously. With Marlene being awesome and James being...average why wouldn't they?" Mary teased.
"Hilarious." James said with an eye roll.
It was the next day and the new team members had been posted on the wall. All my friends pushed through the crowd to go to see the poster. I was left behind because of a squealing group of third years.
Congratulations to everyone who made the team!
Seeker: Jeremiah Willis
Keeper: Diana Eclipse
Beater 1: Sirius Black
Beater 2: Marlene McKinnonChaser 1: James Potter
Chaser 2: Y/N L/N
Chaser 3: Jessica BoyteCaptain: James Potter
There was a rise of chatter due to the new team but over all of them I could hear James loud and excited voice.
"I made it I made it I made it! I'm Quidditch Captain! YES!" James said leaping up high.
"And I finally made it to Beater!" Marlene said.
"I'm so happy for you guys!" I said joining the excitement.
"We are so going to knock Slytherin off their asses this year!" Sirius buzzed.
"Yeah!" said the rest.
(A.N. Hey guys! Sorry for the short chapter but I really was trying to elaborate on this a little further. Also I know James changed for Lily after the whole Snape incident but I still wanted to keep him perky. Hope you guys liked this chapter! Bye!)

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