The Big Debut - Chapter 57

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After the Marauders had apologised to Lily and the girls for giving them a muddle at 4 a.m. in the morning, they got back to planning for their biggest caper yet.

It had been a few months of planning and the dreaded week before N.E.W.T examinations had arrived as well.

"And why are we doing this again?" asked Peter, tired of hopping back to forth between N.E.W.T preparation, the newly finished Marauders Map and this 'Big Plan'.

"C'mon Wormtail! This is our big last mark on Hogwarts! The only chance we get to seal our place here! Stories will be told about us!" said James attempting a heroic pose which ended up looking like he had a broken leg.

"Shut. Up." said Y/N who was trying to finish her humongous accumulation of N.E.W.T homework with a pounding headache.

There was a terrified silence between James, Sirius and Peter until Remus walked in floating a mat, teapot and five cups behind him, one significantly larger than the others.

"Break for tea anyone?" he asked setting the cups and pot on the mat.

"Please." Y/N pleaded before sitting with the four of them.

Before Peter could grab it, Remus scooped up the larger cup and filled it before handing it to Y/N with a hidden chocolate bar underneath it.

She gave him a bright smile and took a long sip out of her cup.

"Okay boys, and Y/N, any new plans for our debut?" asked Remus.

"Well we were thinking..."


As soon as Saturday arrived, the Marauders spent all their time in their dorm, stepping out only for meals. 

Planning a high jinx of this size took all the time and effort they had apart from N.E.W.T homework and all the stress of their last year at Hogwarts.

They planned the location, spells that needed to be mastered and all the necessary details needed to pull of their jest.

They had even used James' position in a certain red-head's heart to take some additional spell notes they couldn't complete. And she had thankfully agreed, reluctantly so.

After they had spent every bit of energy and free time they had, the plan was finally complete and already in motion.

Dumbledore had solely invited the seventh years for instructions and information about how the N.E.W.T's were going to be held; along with the required protocol.

The Marauders had chosen this event and venue for three reasons: 

1. Sirius and James didn't want to sit through 'boring stuff' for an hour-and-half.
2. They couldn't receive any kind of severe punishment due to the upcoming examinations.
3. The teachers would repeat Dumbledore's speech before every assessment anyhow.

There was a hidden passageway they had found on the Marauders Map and marked it behind an old tapestry carrying the symbol of Ravenclaw. Peter had found it by misfortune when he tripped on top of it expecting the main of hitting a wall but instead fell through a passageway that led to a small room concealed beyond a stained glass depiction of Godric Gryffindor wielding his sword.

That's where they planned to reveal themselves and a huge surprise for the unexpecting teachers and students seated at the room.

The room was a small chamber that carried of between the Room of Requirement and a very smelly room which happened to be Filch's office.

The just waited for the next day to come...


The long awaited day was finally here and the Marauders were feeling extra giddy and mischievous the entire time through breakfast while everyone close to them gave them odd looks.

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