The News of a Ball - Chapter 20

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(A.N. Two words: Christmas. Ball.)    

Remus' P.O.V

It was an evening after classes in the Marauders dorms. This time Y/N wasn't with us. Perfect. I had a secret confession today...

"Guys?" I said.

"Yeah?" James replied.

"I have a confession..." I blushed.

"Yeeess?" Sirius said intrigued.

"I-I think..." I flushed.

"Hmm?" Peter asked.

"IthinkIlikeY/N" I said quickly.

"What was that?" James asked. Please don't make me repeat it...

"I think I like Y/N..." I flinched.

"I KNEW IT!!!" the other boys said loudly.

"Yeah...Yeah..." I said feeling the heat that rose to my cheeks grow stronger.


Y/N's P.O.V

The next morning at breakfast I (as usual) sat down with the boys and had breakfast. I sat next to Remus of course.

After the boys noticed that, all of them had some sort of a telepathic communication.

"What's going on here?" I asked through a mouthful of cereal.

"Nothing!" Remus said quickly with a child-like smile.

I just rolled my eyes and went back to my breakfast, that is until Dumbledore decided to give a speech. WILL NO ONE LET ME HAVE BREAKFAST IN PEACE?!!

"Hello my dear students. Since it is Christmas and a lot of students have been stressed out lately..." he said giving a pointed look to the 5th and 7th years. And Y/N and Remus too. "Myself and the staff have decided to have a Christmas ball for all students from 3rd year to 7th year. Coming is completely optional though. I just feel like we all need a little light in our lives."

"Whomever wishes to attend the dance can stay over Christmas break. The dance is on Christmas eve." Dumbledore said and sat back down.

Immediately chatter started about the dance, who people were going to take, How it was gonna be and all the usual. It was honestly annoying.

"So Y/N, are you going?" a fourth year behind us named Leonard Hollock asked.

"No I don't think so." I replied not looking in his direction. Last thing I needed was a date who was only in it for the looks and didn't know me at all.

He just had a disappointed look on his face and went back to breakfast.

"Wait, are you really not going?" James asked looking like he wasn't doing it for himself.

"Parties and fancy balls aren't really my thing." I shrugged. It was true. I hated dressing up, makeup and fancy dresses. I'd much rather stay in the bed and eat.

At this Remus visibly deflated.

"If you would go, who would you go with?" Sirius asked seeing Remus' expression.

"I don't know. I don't really like anyone." I said clearly. What the bloody hell are they trying to get out of me?

"Yeah but what's your type?" James asked going further.

"Why are you guys asking me this?" I said getting angry.

"Nothing!" they said quickly again.

I gave them an 'I know you're up to something' stare and left after finishing my breakfast.

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