(A.N. Hello people who hated themselves enough to actually read this! Thanks for almost 1k reads on my first story!)
Remus' P.O.V
I jolted awake taking in a sharp breath as I did so. Of course... I was in the hospital wing. It was a full moon night yesterday and I couldn't remember anything... I tried to move myself into a more comfortable position but hissed loudly as I felt a stinging pain go through my body.
As soon as Madam Pomfrey heard me, she rushed over and laid me down.
"I advise you not to move Mr. Lupin. You are severely injured this particular moon for some reason." she said bringing out a mountain of ointments and medication.
"Where's Y/N?" I asked as she applied the burning ointment. She paused for a moment before giving me a sad look and looking in Y/N's direction. Oh no...
She was in worse condition than ever. Her skin was pale as snow, her breathing was shallow and she had the biggest rips and wounds. Females were always particularly affected by the moon.
Guaranteed that I wasn't looking great either but she didn't even look alive... It hadn't been this bad the past few months...I don't know what's happened now...
"Madam Pomfrey...I can help myself, please, just go help Y/N..." I begged. My fears had come true...
I watched Madam Pomfrey take care of us going back and forth until I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer.
I was startled awake what I assume was 2 hours later feeling a sudden weight on me. I looked up to realise that it was all the boys giving me a squeezing hug.
I gave a short hiss as they added pressure on my new wounds. They immediately stepped back and apologised.
"Are you okay Remus? You look worse than ever!" James exclaimed putting his palm on my forehead.
"I'm okay James..." I said in a low voice.
"Yeah? Well you don't look or sound like it." Sirius said.
I gave a sad look in Y/N's direction and as soon as they noticed, all the boys gave a collective gasp of pure terror.
They slowly inched towards Y/N as if even a breath in the wrong direction could hurt her. They looked like they were going to break down any second and honestly, I felt like I was going to too.
"H-How..." Peter said worriedly.
"Why?" Sirius asked.
"Who..." James asked.
I really, really wanted to tell them everything but...I respect Y/N's choice. But. I let out a loud shaky breath in worry and went back to sleep slowly.
We waited, and waited, and waited...but she didn't wake up. We watched Pomfrey drone back and forth taking care of both me and Y/N continuously.
I thanked her multiple times and so did the boys.
But after a while, I noticed Y/N's eyelashes bat open.
Y/N's P.O.V
I weakly fluttered my eyes open as the darkness started to go away. I slowly stretched head to the side as suddenly more black spots appeared.
I let out a soft groan and thumped my head back on my soft pillow as I heard running footsteps coming towards my bed.
I opened my eyes a sliver to notice it was Madam Pomfrey and the boys. I turned around to get a better look if it was actually them or if I was hallucinating but immediately regretted my decision as I felt a sharp pain radiate in my body.
A let out a loud grunt of pain and looked down to where it was hurting most. A loud gasp escaped my lips as I saw huge rips and wounds on my chest and limbs.
I'm surprised I'm even alive...
Remus' P.O.V
I watched from my bed as a look of pure fear washed over her face. I wanted to hug her and tell her everything was going to be okay but I couldn't...
The boys were constantly talking to her and asking her if everything was okay. I asked from afar...
"Y/N. Are you okay?" I said as I tried not to sound like a worried boyfriend...which I was.
"I'm okay Remus." she said giving me a weak smile even though she clearly wasn't.
It was breakfast time after a while and the boys reluctantly left to get something to eat. They went and promised to be back as soon as possible.
Madam Pomfrey had to do a routine check and I knew for sure the boys wouldn't have time to finish breakfast and come back here before classes so I ignored the fact that my muscles were screaming and slowly limped over to Y/N's bed.
"Oh hey Remus..." she breathed out.
"Hey love. Are you okay?" I asked carefully.
"Apart from the fact that my body is ripped apart...yeah."she joked and let out a laugh which turned into a painful, wheezing cough.
"I'm so sorry Y/N. This is my fault." I guilted almost in tears.
"No Remus. I promised to love you and with love comes...sacrifice." she smiled.
I let a few tears flow as I gave her a sloppy kiss on the forehead. I was about to go back to my bed until I felt her hands wrap around my waist from the back.
"Please don't leave?" she begged.
"I don't want to love but somebody could see us." I shushed.
"I. Don't. Care." she said pulling me down. God she was strong. I rose an eyebrow at her antics, especially because she's the one who wants to keep it a secret in the first place. But, regardless I carefully wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a gentle hug.
We spooned until I was at the point where I couldn't keep my eyes open anymore. After about 5 minutes I felt myself drift off to sleep.
Y/N's P.O.V
I sighed down at Remus' adorable sleeping demeanor as I ignored the throbbing pain in my chest.
I let my face slump down to it's usual look instead of my smiling face that I kept on for Remus. I only had the energy to fake it infront of him.
I obviously meant everything I said before but I had the looming feeling that things were going to get worse.
I felt like I wanted to break down crying right then and there. I loved Remus so much, but two werewolves together just leads to problems...
Why is life so unfair? As soon as I find some light, everything just pulls me back into darkness. I'm so happy with Remus but...this just couldn't lead to anything good.
Regardless, I pushed those bad feelings down and smiled at my tired boyfriend. I carefully wiggled into his grip.
We just layed there in peaceful silence until my eyelids got too heavy and felt myself going to sleep next Remus happily.
(A.N. Hey guys! Here's a sad chapter for y'all. I feel like this is my most well written chapter. What do you think?)

Twinning Scars - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]
FantasyIt's impossible for Remus Lupin to fall in love right? Wrong. So what happens when he falls in love with a beautiful girl exactly like him? They even share their scars... ***** Welcome to the ✨shit show✨! Here's a story that does not at all capture...