Revision on Fears - Chapter 33

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(A.N. Hey guys! Sorry for not uploading for a while but I had a fever for a week :( )

Y/N's P.O.V

And alas it was the time of the end of another year. This was the last class of the last day of school and the Marauders (except I and Remus as usual) were eager to throw their books into the Black Lake and enjoy their summer.

We gobbled down our lunch and rushed over to the Defence against the Dark Arts class and us and our newest Professor of the year waited for the other students.

As all the other students slowly piled in, the Professor started the class.

"Hello class!" she said cheerily.

"Hello Professor Hickinbottom." the class droned clearly just wanting to get it over with.

"Now can Mr. Lupin please stand up and tell me all the previous teachers of this class?" Hickinbottom asked.

Remus didn't respond. He was currently asleep as the day of the full moon was today. The Professor was still patient with him as she knew. I elbowed him lightly on the arm and he jolted up.

"Yes, as for that question Mr. Lupin?" she asked as the clueless students snickered.

He stood up unsteadily and answered. "First year we had Professor Royal, then second year it was Professor Fernsby and last year was Professor Culpepper." he groaned and sat back down.

"Thank you Mr. Lupin. Now, did Professor Culpepper teach you about Boggarts?" she asked looking through school records.

"Yes Professor." said a few scattered voices.

"Well today we will be revising on that very same thing. The house-elves down in the kitchens found a Boggart in one of the closets and I think it's great revision for your O.W.L exams next year." she said clearing up space. 

WAIT WHAT?! Last time when the teacher taught Boggarts, me and the other boys didn't show up to class on purpose! If anyone does their research, seeing our Boggarts could easily tell them about me and Remus'...illness.

All the students stood in a line while I maneuvered around students to stand the complete farthest away and Remus joined.

But soon enough, everyone else had already finished and I and Remus were the only two left. Remus went up first.

"Okay Mr. Lupin, don't panic." Hickinbottom said and opened the door. Remus took in a gulp of terror as the glowing white orb emerged and taunted him.

"Riddikulus!" he shouted and it deflated letting out the squealing of a balloon.

I involuntarily stepped forward and gripped my wand that was resting in my pocket. Hickinbottom opened the door and instead of the full moon I was expecting, I saw a truly horrific sight.

I saw James clawed in werewolf marks crawling out of the closet, his lifeless body heaping on the floor. I trembled and stepped back as it morphed into Sirius, then Remus and last Peter.

I raised my wand and tried to fight back but I couldn't speak. I slid to the floor and simply sat staring with watery eyes as it kept changing into everyone I loved. My father, my brother, Lily, Marlene, Mary, Dorcas.

Did I do that? Did my condition do that? I'll never be able to forgive myself. No! I knew it wasn't real, but then why did I just feel like I killed my friends?

I looked up to see that Remus had jumped in front of me.

"Riddikulus!" he shouted loudly as the Boggart turned to a wisp.

He stashed his wand back in and came to my support as did all the boys. 

"I'm fine guys." I said pushing them away. I really didn't want to make a scene in front of the whole class.

"Are you okay Ms. L/N?" Professor Hickinbottom asked rushing over. "That was most peculiar..." she said contemplating.

She thankfully didn't say the werewolf part out loud. The whole class was staring at me with scared looks in their eyes.

"I- um." I stuttered. I honestly don't know what I wanted to say anymore.

"Okay class, that's enough for today and enjoy your summer vacation!" Hickinbottom said cheerfully. "Ms. L/N. Please stay after class. You too Mr. Lupin." she added. She clearly was intrigued by my Boggart.

As asked, I and Remus stayed after class until the Professor finally spoke up.

"Any idea about what could've happened with your Boggart Ms. L/N?" she asked. "You can add something too Mr. Lupin."

"Well it was obviously my true greatest fear instead of only the moon." I said thinking.

"It seems like her true fear overpowered the natural mindset! That's amazing N/N!" he exclaimed. But then a shadow of guilt spread across his smile. "I didn't know you were really that scared of hurting us..."

"I-I'm sorry. I just-" I was cut off by him giving me and loving hug.

"Never feel like that again." he said into my collarbone. I hugged back thankfully and pecked him on the cheek.

"You kids done?" Hickinbottom asked from behind us.

"Oh, sorry." Remus flushed pulling away.

"It's alright. I love young love." she winked as Remus turned a beet red and I felt a flush rise to my own cheeks. "Besides, Mr. Lupin seems to have given a rational explanation so you two may leave." she said opening the door.

"Thank you Professor!" we said simultaneously speeding out the door.

We ran back to the dorms and went up to the worrying boys. As soon as I stepped inside, I was attacked by hugs from the three worried boys.

"Are you okay N/N?" Peter asked.

"We are so sorry if we made you feel unsafe Y/N." James apologised.

"We know you would never hurt us and love a friend." Sirius said. "Don't worry Remy." he said referring to what he said last earning another slap in the back of the head.

"Thank you guys." I chuckled. I waited for another minute but they didn't let go. "Guys, I'm okay. Guys?" I asked trying to pull free.

"Okay we're done." James chuckled. I realised why he let go when I turned around to see Lily and the girls.

"Y/N! Are you okay?" Marlene asked as all the girls entrapped me in a hug once more. Ugh...more hugging.

"I'm fine! I'm fine! Now please let me go!" I joked as they pulled away. "Remus helped a lot." I said side hugging him by the arm.

"Ooooo." they teased as I blushed a shy red.

(A.N. Aaaaaaaand I'm done. Unlike many, many of my chapters, I actually like this one. What do you guys think?)

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