Celebration at the Hospital Wing - Chapter 18

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(A.N. Hey readers!)

Y/N's P.O.V

The first Quidditch match of the season was in a week and I was exhausted. The team captain, Jason Wood, had everyone practicing and training like crazy.

"When I'm Quidditch captain, I will never make people train so much!" James panted after another hard session in the rain.

"When you're Quidditch captain?" I asked skeptically.

"Yeah..." James said.

Just then, Sirius walked down the stairs.

"Hey guys!" Sirius said cheerfully.

"Hey Sirius. Have you seen Remus anywhere?" I asked.

"Why?" Sirius asked.

"Because of Quidditch I haven't studied with him in a while and we had plans today." I shrugged.

"I think I saw him heading to the library 20 minutes ago." Sirius thought.

"WAIT! What time is it?!" I said loudly.

"8:15" James said pointing at the clock in the common-room.

"Shit!" I exclaimed and ran to the library with my books.

I reached the library and spotted a bored Remus in the corner waiting for me.

"Sorry I'm late! I had Quidditch practice again." I apologized.

"Wood really goes hard on you guys huh?" Remus asked opening his books.

"Yep. I'm exhausted..." I sighed.

"Let's start now then." Remus said and started reading Tertio Anno Carmina.

Remus' P.O.V

After a while it was 9:30. Curfew was at 10 and the time to sleep was 11 so I started packing up my books but Y/N just stayed in place with her head in her hand, looking down at her book.

"Y/N? It's time to go." I said staring at the girl.

When she didn't move I looked a little lower and noticed she was sleeping. I sighed and tried to wake her up.

"Y/N. Y/N." I said shaking her gently.

She didn't wake up but she moved around a bit with a scowl on her face so I decided it was best to carry her back. I really didn't want to deal with a cranky Y/N cause she can rain hell on anybody if she's that tired.

I was taller than her and she was pretty light so it wasn't that hard to lift her.

I headed back to the common-room and found all our friends sitting by the fire and when they noticed I was carrying Y/N they all had an amused expression on their face.

"She fell asleep at the library okay?" I whispered.

Mary gave me an 'I don't think so' look and I just rolled my eyes. Those guys get weird ideas.

I said the spell to not turn the stairs into slides and headed up to the girls' dorms. I laid her down on the bed and was turning to leave when I heard her mumble a soft "Thanks Remus."

I smiled to myself and left her to rest.


Y/N's P.O.V

Before I knew it, the week had passed and today was the match against Ravenclaw.

I was a nervous wreck and barely ate at breakfast in the Great Hall. After breakfast I headed to my Quidditch locker and wore my uniform.

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