The Prank - Chapter 40

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(A.N. Just wanted to say don't worry. This is not gonna be like the atyd chapter lol. Also I'm writing the scene like it is in the books.)

Y/N's P.O.V

It was finally time for the O.W.L's. 

I was incredibly stressed as I walked out of the room where we had just given our History of Magic exam. I was walking abnormally fast due to anxiety. I was still walking right along the boys as they were taller than me...well except Peter.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Sirius asked raising a brow. The past month of stress had reverted Sirius mostly back to his old self.

"Yeah I'm just worried. I'm pretty sure I messed up the part about the Goblin Rebellion. And maybe the Founding of the Ministry and maybe-" my extensive rant was cut off by Remus putting a gentle hand on my shoulder.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"I'm sure you did great Y/N." he said reassuringly giving me a smile.

"Oh um thanks." I said. I felt myself heat up and quickly looked away to hide my scarlet face. Things had been...let's say awkward between Remus and I ever since the break-up.

Normally we would've gone to the grounds to enjoy ourselves or go to plan another prank, but not now, not during O.W.L's. We slumped our way to the boys dorms and sat there for hours preparing for our next exam, Charms.

We slaved away while I almost clawed my own eyes out. These days I didn't even bother saying goodbye. I would just drag myself back to my dorm and fall asleep in a flash. Which was also what happened tonight.


"Hey N/N? Don't you think that you should eat something?" I heard James concerned voice say.

"I don't think I can digest anything without throwing up." I heaved while still flipping through my revision textbooks. Hell, I had probably dragged half the library to the Great Hall.

When it was finally time for the test I was practically crying out of the stress I was being put through.

"Um Y/N?" Peter called. When I didn't respond, he turned to the boys with a worried look in his mousy eyes. I wanted to respond but I don't think I could without having a panic attack. I slid down to the floor with my back against the wall and my head in my hands. I had always been pretty vulnerable to stress and these exams were taking it all out on me.

All the boys bent their knees and came down to my level.

"Listen Y/N. You are going to be great at that test." Remus said giving me a half-smile.

"But what if I didn't study enough? If I fail this then so many job opportunities will be closed!" I panicked.

"Hey. You don't have to worry about your job just yet. And if study too much." Sirius said referring to the enormous bookbag I carried everyday since Christmas vacation was over.

"Thanks guys." I said standing as they followed.

We finished our practical test rather quickly and moved on to the hard part...the written test. I immediately started carefully scribbling down notes and answers.

After about 3-4 answers I had written I noticed James peeking over my shoulder. I pushed him away by shoving him with my hand on his face. 

"Mind your own business Potter." I said angrily. I sighed loudly as I realised how mean that was. I would probably apologise later.

I was finally done after a long 45 minutes and then started constantly checking and rechecking my papers. After I was sure there were minimum mistakes, I turned my head back to the boys.

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