The Werewolf Encounter - Chapter 6

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(A.N. Hey! Bitch is back! Hope you like this chapter!)

Y/N's P.O.V

First year was almost over, and the Marauders name was already heard by the whole school. We were infamous for pulling pranks but also topping class.

There was almost no one that we hadn't pranked yet. But our favorite victim was obviously: Severus Snape.

No matter how many detentions we got, prefects stopped us or house points were taken away, The Marauders always kept pranking.

One day me and Remus were studying in the library (as usual) and James, Sirius and Peter were lounging in their dorms.

"Hey Y/N." Remus said after a while of studying.

"Yeah?" I answered still reading.

"Have you taken your potion yet?" Remus asked quietly.

I immediately stood up "No I haven't!" I shouted.

"Shh! This is a library!" Madam Pince whisper-shouted.

"Sorry" I said gathering my things. I had to go! 1. Because that woman scares the bloody hell out of me and 2. I FORGOT MY WOLFSBANE!

"Sorry to cut the study session short Remus but I have to get the potion from Slughorn." I said frantically.

"I'll come with. I know how uncomfortable it is to ask..." Remus smiled reassuringly.

"Thanks Rem." I smiled "Now grab your things! Let's go!" I said with one foot out the door. After I was sure Remus was behind me I practically bolted to the potions master.

After we had gotten inside the classroom we were met with Slughorn's smiling face. "Hello Y/N! Hello Remus! What brings you here this fine Saturday afternoon?" He asked enthusiastically as always.

"Hello Professor! I just wanted to get my...potion..." I said whispering the last word.

"Of course. Of course." He muttered searching his cabinets.

"Aha! Here you go dear. And one for you too Mr. Lupin." He said handing me and Remus two bottles of Wolfsbane. The man was a little... over-enthusiastic but he was still a nice man.

"Thank you Professor." I and Remus said politely and left the class.

I stuffed my potion in my robes just happy to get this day over with already.

"Y/N I think you should keep your potion more carefully." Remus said concernedly.

"It'll be fine Remus. You should stop worrying so much. You have enough stress because the full moon is today." I said worried about my friend. I appreciated his concern but I think if he stresses any more his head is going to spontaneously combust.

"Shh!" Remus hissed when I mentioned the moon.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking back to our dorms. When we reached there, we checked the door for pranks as we had experience living with the Marauders.

"All clear. Let's go." I said after we had checked.

When we walked in we were greeted with James' goofy smile. "Hey guys! Back from your study date?" He teased.

"Session." I corrected grinning at his eye roll.

"Yeah, Yeah, Whatever..." James said not believing it.

"Ugh I'm bored!" Sirius said suddenly.

"Are you serious?" I said remembering how many things we did barely an hour ago.

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